§ 203. Agenda for meetings.  

Latest version.
  • The standing committee chairperson is responsible for recommending action to the full commission concerning standing committee agenda items recommended to the full commission within 30 days of the standing committee's vote to recommend. The recommendation, along with any supporting materials, shall be forwarded by the standing committee chairperson to the mayor and administrator, with the assistance of the standing committee's staff coordinator for placement on the full commission standing committees' agenda. The mayor ultimately determines the final agenda for the full commission meetings. Any agenda item recommended by a standing committee to the full commission for action shall be presumptively scheduled for action at the next regular meeting of the full commission subsequent to any regular meeting, if any, held during the same week as the meeting of the standing committee recommending the items. Nothing shall prohibit the mayor from exercising the discretion to place emergency or time-sensitive items on any agenda in the interest of the unified government or the public.

(Res. No. R-58-98, § 2, 6-4-1998)