§ 17-33. Business, trade or profession detrimental to health.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The public health department, upon ascertaining that any business, trade or profession carried on in the city is detrimental or dangerous to public health or to those engaged in such business, trade or profession, or that the working conditions under which a business, trade or profession is carried on are dangerous to the health of the workers therein or a menace to the public health and safety as a breeding place for contagion, epidemics and disease, shall notify the owner, manager, directors or parties responsible for the carrying on of such business, trade or profession to appear before the unified government board of commissioners at a time and place to be specified in such notice and show cause why such trade, business or profession should not be discontinued or removed. Such notice shall be served upon the parties responsible for carrying on such business, trade or profession in the same manner as designated for the service of notice in section 17-32.


    If, after a full hearing of the case, the unified government board of commissioners determines the trade, business, calling or profession is detrimental to the health and safety of those employed therein and is a menace to the public health and safety as a breeding place for contagion, epidemics and disease, the unified government board of commissioners shall order the conditions complained of to be remedied within such time as the unified government board of commissioners deems to be reasonable and necessary. If, at the expiration of the time allowed by the unified government board of commissioners for the remedying of such conditions, its orders are not complied with by those responsible for the conditions, the unified government board of commissioners shall order the trade, business or profession discontinued. The owner, manager or directors of such business, trade or profession shall comply with such orders of the unified government board of commissioners.

(Code 1964, § 19-14; Code 1988, § 17-28)