§ 18-114. Powers, functions and duties of director of human resources.  

Latest version.
  • With respect to his duties under division 2 of this article, the director of human services shall have the following powers, functions and duties:


    To receive, initiate, investigate and pass upon complaints alleging discrimination in housing or real estate transactions because of race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or ancestry and complaints alleging discrimination in housing because of familial status.


    To subpoena witnesses, compel their appearance, to take and record the testimony or statements of such persons, to require the production of records, documents and other possible sources of evidence, and to examine, record and copy such materials. The director may issue subpoenas to compel access to such materials or the production of such materials, or the appearance of such persons. The director may serve interrogatories and requests for admission to a respondent. The director shall exercise the powers set out in this subsection to the same extent and subject to the same limitations as would apply if the subpoenas, interrogatories, requests for production, requests for admission or notices to take deposition were issued or served in aid of a chapter 60 civil action in the district courts of the state.


    To hold public hearings, maintain formal records, and administer oaths.


    In case of the refusal of any person to comply with any subpoena, interrogatory, notice to take deposition or request for production issued by the director, the director may make application to the district court to compel compliance pursuant to state law.


    To act in concert with other parties in interest in order to eliminate and prevent discrimination and segregation, prohibited by this division, by including any term in a conciliation agreement as could be included in a final order under this division.


    Apply to any court of competent jurisdiction through the unified government chief counsel after a complaint has been filed to enjoin any violation of this division.


    To apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for enforcement of any conciliation agreement by seeking specific performance of such agreement.


    To issue such final orders after a public hearing as may remedy any existing situation found to violate this division and prevent its recurrence, and, if necessary, to apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for enforcement of any final orders.


    To endeavor to eliminate prejudice among the various ethnic groups and people with disabilities in the city and to further good will among such groups.


    Too accept contributions from any person to assist in the effectuation of this chapter and to seek and enlist the cooperation of private, charitable, religious, labor, civic and benevolent organizations for the purposes of this chapter.


    To issue such publications and such results of investigation and research as, in his judgment, will tend to promote good will and minimize or eliminate discrimination because of race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, familial status, national origin or ancestry.


    To render each year to the council administrator and to the unified government board of commissioners a full written report of all activities and of recommendations.


    To receive and accept federal funds to effectuate the purposes of this chapter and to enter into agreements with any federal agency for such purpose.


    To delegate the exercise of the powers granted by this section to the presiding officer of a formal administrative hearing held pursuant to this chapter.

(Code 1988, § 18-70; Ord. No. 65813, § 1, 7-1-1993; Ord. No. O-23-18 , §§ 1, 2, 5-31-2018)