§ 18-251. Annual goals.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The county administrator shall recommend to the board of commissioners an overall annual goal for minority and woman business enterprise participation on unified government contracts, as well as a specific annual goal for the utilization of minority and woman business enterprises on construction contracts exceeding $250,000.00. Specific goals may be established for other industries, professions, or trade groupings. The goals shall be stated as a percentage of dollars anticipated to be spent on contracts in the upcoming year. The county administrator's recommendations shall be submitted to the board of commissioners during the fourth quarter of the preceding calendar year. For 2009, the county administrator shall submit recommendations for goals no later than May 31, 2009.


    As a basis for the establishment of the annual goals, the county administrator shall annually determine the availability of all minority and woman business enterprises doing business in the unified government's marketplace by industries, professions, or trade groupings. The county administrator shall conduct such inquiries, studies, and hearings, and utilize information and assistance from such persons, consultants, entities, or organizations, within or without the unified government, including but not limited to the coordinator of the office of supplier opportunity, contract fairness board, and department heads, as he or she may deem necessary to make annual recommendations.


    The board of commissioners shall review the annual goals recommended by the county administrator and may direct that additional inquiries be conducted as it deems appropriate. The board of commissioners shall approve, disapprove, or modify the recommended annual goals by resolution.


    As used in this division, "unified government contracts" means all unified government contracts, except contracts for minor purchases, sole source procurements, and emergency procurements.

(Ord. No. O-17-09, § 1(18-151), 2-19-2009)