§ 18-259. Project goals.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Upon approval of the county administrator, the coordinator shall add a requirement to the bid or proposal instructions for each construction contract assigning project goals for MBE and WBE utilization based upon a percentage of the dollar value of all work on the contract, and, as set out below, the availability of MBEs and WBEs to perform the work and the unified government's progress toward meeting the annual goal for construction contracts; provided that, if the county administrator determines it to be in the best interests of the unified government, the county administrator may waive or modify the application of a project goal for a given contract. The goal percentage assigned by the coordinator may vary from contract to contract consistent with meeting the annual goal. The individual project goal for each contract shall be set forth in the bid or proposal instructions.


    The following contributions shall count toward the project goal as more specifically provided below: Portions of work undertaken by MBEs and WBEs as contractors, joint venturers, subcontractors, and suppliers.


    As an aid in the establishment of an individual project goal, the coordinator shall seek the advice and assistance of the contract fairness board established in section 18-272. The coordinator may utilize the advice of the contract fairness board to the extent that the coordinator deems it to be appropriate and consistent with the purposes of this article.


    Upon approval of the county administrator, the coordinator may cause a representative sample of unified government construction contracts to be bid or otherwise selected without a project goal to determine MBE and WBE utilization on such contracts in the absence of a goal.

(Ord. No. O-17-09, § 1(18-159), 2-19-2009)