§ 18-273. Responsibilities of the contract fairness board; goal setting; appeals.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Goal setting. Before release for bid or proposal, the coordinator shall present to the contract fairness board recommended MBE or WBE goals for each proposed construction contract. The board shall advise the coordinator as to whether it believes the recommended goals are appropriate. If the board considers the recommended goals inappropriate, it shall recommend alternative goals to the coordinator. In the event of a disagreement over goals, the coordinator shall meet with the board and attempt to reach agreement on goals for the project. The coordinator shall have authority to decide project goals, subject to approval by the county administrator.


    Advice. The coordinator and county administrator may seek the advice of the board about any matter related to the administration of the programs established under this article. The coordinator, county administrator, mayor, or commission may seek the board's input or recommendations on modifications or additions to this article.


    Appeals. When requested by the county administrator, the board shall hold hearings on appeals filed under section 18-271 and shall issue written findings and make recommendations to the county administrator as to the disposition of the appeal.


    Same; authority of board. The board shall hold a hearing within 21 days of the date the appeal was filed. The board shall have authority to investigate and to inquire into all the facts and circumstances of the appeal and may hold investigative hearings for such purpose. The board shall have the authority to issue advisory opinions concerning appeals to the county administrator, including recommending that the county administrator reverse, affirm, or modify decisions or actions of the coordinator. The board shall issue a written report of its findings and recommendations to the county administrator within ten days of the conclusion of the hearing. The board shall expedite the hearing and issuance of its findings and recommendations at the request of the county administrator.


    Same; intervention. A bidder or proposer who has been declared an apparent successful bidder or proposer shall have the right to intervene in any appeal filed on that project. Any bidder, proposer, contractor, or other person or business enterprise whose interests will be affected by any appeal may be permitted by the board to intervene in the appeal.

(Ord. No. O-17-09, § 1(18-173), 2-19-2009)