§ 19-108. Definitions.
§ 19-109. License for private security business and permit for private security officer required.
§ 19-110. Exemption.
§ 19-111. Application for permit to operate as private security officer.
§ 19-112. Application for license to operate as a private security business.
§ 19-113. Fees.
§ 19-114. Investigation.
§ 19-115. Standards for issuance of permit to act as private security officer.
§ 19-116. Standards for issuance of license to engage in the private security business.
§ 19-117. Giving false information.
§ 19-118. Reserved.
§ 19-119. Duty to act on permit application; notice of denial.
§ 19-120. Duty to act on license application; notice of denial.
§ 19-121. Appeal upon denial of permit or license.
§ 19-122. Authority of chief of police to adopt rules.
§ 19-123. Private security officer identification card.
§ 19-124. Conditions and duration of and limitations on private security officer permit.
§ 19-125. Conditions and duration of private security business license.
§ 19-126. Duties of permit holders and license holders.
§ 19-127. Complaints against permit holder or license holder.
§ 19-128. Payment of occupation tax required.
§ 19-129. Liability insurance required.
§ 19-130. Suspension or revocation of permit.
§ 19-131. Suspension or revocation of license.
§§ 19-132—19-160. Reserved.