§ 19-188. False alarm determination; notice; review.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The alarm coordinator is responsible for determining which alarms constitute false alarms. A record of all false alarms will be maintained by the alarm coordinator.


    After the third false alarm within a calendar year, the alarm coordinator will give written notice to the alarm user stating that additional false alarms in a calendar year will require the payment of a false alarm fee under this article. After each false alarm over three within a calendar year, the alarm coordinator will notify the alarm user of such occurrence and the amount of the false alarm fee due. Failure to receive any notice does not relieve the alarm user of any responsibilities under this article.


    An alarm user may request a review by the alarm coordinator of a false alarm determination. The request for review must be submitted in writing and received within ten days of the date of the false alarm notice. The payment of a false alarm fee, if any, will be postponed pending the alarm coordinator's review.


    The alarm coordinator will send the alarm user a written review response within 20 days of the date the request for review was received.

(Code 1988, § 19-467; Ord. No. 65971, § 7, 12-22-1994; Ord. No. 66176, § 4, 12-5-1996)