§ 19-235. Minimum inspection standards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The minimum standard to be used for inspections, pursuant to section 19-234, for compliance with this Code and any additional codes as adopted by this Code in chapter 8, shall include the inspection of the building exterior, the common areas and the basement. In addition, if there are four or less individual dwelling units in the building, minimum inspection requirements include inspecting 50 percent of the individual dwelling units in the building. If there are 11 or more dwelling units in the building, minimum inspection requirements include inspecting 25 percent of the individual dwelling units. The specific individual dwelling units to be chosen for inspections shall be determined pursuant to policy set by the public officer.


    If any unit in the rental dwelling building is determined to be substandard, as defined by section 19-238, the public officer or his designee may inspect additional or all of the units in the building.

(Code 1988, § 19-500.5; Ord. No. O-97-99, § 1, 12-16-1999; Ord. No. O-12-05, 2-17-2005; Ord. No. O-11-14, § 5, 2-20-2014)