§ 19-241. Denial; nonrenewal; revocation; suspension.  

Latest version.
  • If, after any period for compliance under section 19-240 has expired, the public officer determines that the dwelling still fails to comply with any of the standards in sections 19-237 or 19-238, the license administrator or his designee shall mail the owner notice of denial, nonrenewal, revocation, or suspension of the license. The notice shall state:


    That the public officer has determined that the building fails to comply with the licensing standards for rental dwelling as set forth in sections 19-237 and/or 19-238;


    The specific reasons why the building fails to meet licensing standards, including copies of applicable inspection reports;


    That the license administrator or his designee will deny, refuse to renew, revoke, or suspend the license unless the owner appeals the determination within 15 days after receipt of the notice, in the manner provided in 19-242;


    That after denial, nonrenewal, revocation or suspension, the dwelling or the affected dwelling units therein must be vacated and shall not be reoccupied until a license is issued after approval by the public officer;


    The notice shall describe how an appeal may be filed under section 19-242;


    The public officer shall cause a notice to tenants to be prominently posted on the building. The notice shall indicate that the rental dwelling license for the building has been denied, revoked, or suspended, whichever is applicable, that the action will become final on a specific date unless the building owner appeals and requests a hearing, and that tenants may be required to vacate the building when the action becomes final.

(Code 1988, § 19-506; Ord. No. 66057, § 16, 10-19-1995; Ord. No. O-107-02, § 6, 12-19-2002; Ord. No. O-11-14, § 10, 2-20-2014)