§ 19-380. Permit required for entertainers, employees, masseurs, or masseuses.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No person shall be an entertainer, employee, masseur, or masseuse in an adult business without a valid permit issued by the city police department for businesses to be located within the limits of the city, or issued by the county sheriff's department for businesses to be located outside the limits of the city. For the purpose of this article, janitors, bus hops, cooks, or dishwashers shall not be required to obtain an adult business permit. Further, bonafide repairmen or independent contractors, while specifically performing structural repairs or improvements, shall not be required to obtain a permit.


    All entertainers, employees, masseurs, or masseuses in an adult business outside the city limits of the city, existing on the date of the passage of this article must submit an application for a permit within 90 days of the passage and approval of the ordinance from which this article is derived.


    Every permit issued pursuant to this article shall terminate at the expiration of one year from the date of issuance, unless sooner revoked, and must be renewed before the applicant is allowed to act as an entertainer, employee, masseur, or masseuse in any adult business.


    Any entertainer, employee, masseur, or masseuse issued a permit under the provisions of this article, at all times when working in an establishment subject to the provisions of this article, shall have in his possession a valid identification card issued by the unified government bearing the permit number of the entertainer, employee, masseur, or masseuse, his physical description, and his photograph. Such identification cards shall be laminated to prevent alteration. All persons granted permits under this article shall keep their permits available at all times for inspection upon request by any person who by law may inspect such permit.

(Ord. No. O-01-07(Res. No. R-01-07), § 1(2.5-6), 1-4-2007)