§ 19-382. Standards for issuance of permit for an entertainer, employee, masseur, or masseuse.  

Latest version.
  • To receive a permit as an entertainer, employee, masseur, or masseuse an applicant must meet the following standards:


    The applicant shall be at least 18 years of age.


    The applicant must not have had a permit or license as required by this article or similar ordinances or statutes revoked by any city, county, or state within the preceding two years.


    No permit shall be issued if:


    The applicant for the permit has been convicted of or pleaded nolo contendere to a specified criminal act or has entered into a diversion program for any offense defined as a specified criminal act within five years immediately preceding the date of the application if such specified criminal act constitutes a felony or within two years immediately preceding the application if such specified criminal act constitutes a misdemeanor or municipal ordinance violation.


    The applicant has knowingly made any false, misleading, or fraudulent statement in the permit application or in any document required by the unified government in conjunction therewith.


    That the correct permit fee has not been tendered to the unified government and, in the case of a check or bank draft, not honored with payment upon presentation.


    The applicant does not meet the requirements set out herein.


    The applicant has:


    Had a permit issued pursuant to this article for entertainer, employee, masseur, or masseuse revoked within two years of the current application;


    Been convicted of an offense within two years immediately preceding this application which, if committed in this city or county would constitute a violation of this article;


    An active warrant filed against such person from any federal, state, or municipal law enforcement agency for a specified criminal act.


    In addition to the above, if the application is for a masseur or masseuse permit, the applicant must provide the following:


    Proof that the applicant has successfully completed a resident course of study or learning from a recognized school as required under the provisions of this article or an affidavit as set out in section 19-381(b)(13).


    Proof that the applicant has successfully completed the examination to determine the applicant's skill and knowledge of all forms and methods of baths, hydrotherapy, body manipulations, and physiotherapy. Such examination shall be administered by the county administrator or his designated representative.


    The applicant must submit to a physical examination by a licensed physician, at the applicant's expense, and supply proof from such examining physician that the applicant is free from contagious or communicable disease. Further, the permittee shall submit to a physical examination, at his expense, every six months by a license physician, and every permittee shall provide written proof from such licensed physician that the permittee is free from any and all contagious or communicable diseases.

(Ord. No. O-01-07(Res. No. R-01-07), § 1(2.5-8), 1-4-2007)