§ 1-19. Certain legislation not affected by Code.  

Latest version.
  • Nothing in this Code or the legislation adopting this Code affects the validity of any resolution of the county board of commissioners that was adopted prior to the creation of the unified government that is not codified in this Code. Nothing in this Code or the legislation adopting this Code affects the validity of any Charter ordinance, Charter resolution or any of the following ordinances, resolutions or portions of ordinances or resolutions. All such provisions continue in full force and effect to the same extent as if published at length in this Code.


    Annexing property, deannexing property or describing the corporate limits.


    Establishing specific departments or positions in the unified government.


    Providing for salaries or other employee benefits or pensions not codified in this Code.


    Promising or guaranteeing the payment of money or authorizing the issuance of bonds or other instruments of indebtedness.


    Authorizing or approving any contract, deed, obligation or agreement.


    Establishing a specific fund or dealing with the use of a fund.


    Making or approving any appropriation, budget or transfer of funds.


    Granting any right or franchise.


    Relating to the numbering or renumbering of buildings and lots.


    Relating to the purchase, condemnation, acquisition or dedication of property for public use.


    Adopting or amending a comprehensive plan.


    Authorizing, directing or otherwise relating to any public improvement.


    Levying or imposing any special assessment.


    Creating sewer districts or districts for public improvements.


    Designating, declaring or establishing any trafficway or main trafficway or connections with or between same.


    Dedicating, establishing, naming, locating, relocating, opening, paving, widening, repairing or vacating any street, boulevard, avenue, alley or public way, including rights-of-way.


    Establishing or changing the grade of any street, avenue, boulevard, trafficway or other public way.


    Dedicating, accepting or vacating any plat or subdivision.


    Prescribing traffic regulations for specific streets or areas.


    Levying, imposing or otherwise relating to taxes not codified in this Code.


    Rezoning specific property.


    That is temporary, although general in effect.


    That is special, although permanent in effect.


    The purpose of which has been accomplished.


    That expires by its own terms after a specified term or on a prescribed date.

(Code 1988, § 1-3; Ord. No. 66194, § 2, 1-2-1997)