§ 21-2. Mining permit.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    It shall be unlawful for any person either directly or indirectly to do any mining or conduct any mining operation in the city without first obtaining a permit.


    Any person desiring a mining permit shall file a verified application with the license administrator setting out the name and address of the applicant and the in-state address where such person will receive legal service. The application shall also give the ownership and legal descriptions of the properties to be mined and a general description of the mining operation.


    A mining permit shall be good for a period of no longer than one year.


    Renewal permits may be obtained for an additional year by application for a renewal. The application for a renewal permit shall contain the same information required by the original application, except that, where appropriate, the application for renewal may refer to the information in the original application or previous renewal application.


    A permit or renewal permit shall not be granted unless the applicant has complied with sections 21-3 and 21-4.

(Code 1964, §§ 22A-2, 22A-3; Code 1988, § 21-2; Ord. No. 45830, §§ 2, 3, 8-18-1966)