§ 22-271. Cockfighting.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Unlawful possession of cockfighting paraphernalia is possession of, with the intent to use in the unlawful conduct of cockfighting, spurs, gaffs, swords, leather training spur covers, or anything worn by a gamecock during a fight to further the killing power of such gamecock.


    Unlawful attendance of cockfighting is entering or remaining on the premises where the unlawful conduct of cockfighting is occurring, whether or not the person knows or has reason to know that cockfighting is occurring on the premises.


    A person who violates the provisions of this section may also be prosecuted for, convicted of, and punished for cruelty to animals.


    Unlawful possession of cockfighting paraphernalia is a class A violation.


    Unlawful attendance of cockfighting is a class B violation.

(Ord. No. O-87-09, § 4, 11-5-2009; Ord. No. O-48-15 , § 2, 8-13-2015)