§ 23-11. Judges pro tempore.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    In the event a judge of the municipal court is temporarily unable to preside due to absence, illness, or disqualification, or when additional judges are temporarily needed to handle cases pending before the court, the administrative judge shall designate attorneys to act as judges pro tempore.


    The compensation for judges pro tempore of municipal court shall be fixed by the unified government board of commissioners in the same manner as the compensation of all other county employees is set and shall be included as a part of the unified government's overall pay plan.


    All persons eligible to serve as judges pro tempore shall be approved by the administrative judge and submitted for review to the rules and governance standing committee no less than annually prior to serving. The administrative judge shall establish procedures whereby the names of persons possessing the qualifications of a municipal judge are submitted as judge pro tempore.

(Code 1988, § 23-7; Ord. No. O-23-98, §§ 1, 2, 5-21-1998)