§ 27-698. Plan requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Landscape plan requirements. A landscape plan is required for all new multifamily, office and professional, commercial, and industrial developments, and major additions to such developments, and shall include the following information:


    North point and scale (a scale of not less than one inch equals 30 feet is desirable).


    Topographic information and spot elevations sufficient to adequately identify and properly specify landscaping for slope stabilization and required screening.


    The location, size, and notation of site elements such as buildings, walks, parking areas, and aboveground and underground utilities.


    The location, type, and size of existing plant material to be retained.


    The location, type, size and quantity of all proposed plant material and related nonliving, structural and decorative features. Common and botanical names shall be provided for all proposed plant material. Size at time of planting shall be specified according to American Association of Nurserymen standards.


    The location of all trees 12-inch caliper or larger, measured at one foot above ground level, to be provided whether the tree is to be retained or is proposed for removal.


    Location of all watering sources.


    Screening plan requirements. When landscape screening is proposed, the screening plan shall be included in the landscape plan or include the same plan components. When architectural screening is proposed, construction details must be submitted.


    Approval. All landscape and screening plans shall be submitted to the planning division for review and approval as to adequacy prior to the issuance of a building or land use permit. In case of disapproval of a permit for reasons of unacceptable landscape and/or screening plans, the applicant may appeal the decision to the planning commission for review and final determination.

(Code 1988, § 27-1348; Ord. No. 64690, § 1(27-69.3), 8-30-1984)