§ 27-726. Digital and illuminated signs.  

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  • (a)

    Applicability. This section applies to any of the following:

    Digital Sign A sign that displays static images that are controlled by electronic communications, which allows the images to be turned on or off intermittently. A Digital Sign includes any illuminated sign on which the illumination is not kept stationary or constant in intensity and color when the sign is in use, including any light emitting diode (LED) or digital panel, and which varies in color or intensity. In the sign industry, digital signs are also referred to as dynamic signs, changeable electronic variable message signs (CEVMS), electronic message centers (EMCs), etc.
    Footcandle A measure of illumination on a surface that is one foot from a uniform source of light of one candle and equal to one lumen per square foot.
    Illumination A sign that has an artificial light source incorporated internally or externally to emanate light from, or direct light to, a sign's surface. Light sources may include exposed tubing, electrical bulbs, fluorescent lights, neon tubes, light emitting diodes (LED), liquid crystal displays, or other artificial sources of light.
    Illumination, External A sign that is Illuminated by an external light source.
    Illumination, Internal Illumination created by a light source internal to the sign, transparent or translucent material from a light source within the sign structure or panel, or exposed lighting on the sign face.
    Illuminated Sign Any sign that incorporates illumination over all or part of its surface, or that is created by the projection of illumination onto a surface (such as a building wall).
    Halo lit sign A sign illuminated by concealing the light source behind three-dimensional opaque letters, numbers, or other characters of a sign, resulting in the night time perception of a halo around the silhouette of each sign character. This is also referred to as "reverse channel" or "reverse lit" illumination. A Halo Lit sign is not considered an internally illuminated sign.
    Nit A unit of illuminative brightness equal to one candle per square meter, measured perpendicular to the rays of the source.
    Neon A source of light supplied by a glass tube that is filled with neon gas, argon, mercury or other inert gas that produces ultraviolet light, and bent to form letters, symbols, or other shapes.



    Where permitted. The standards for individual sign types in section 27-728 below, indicate whether changeable copy or illumination is allowed, and the type of illumination allowed (internal illumination, external illumination, halo lit, or digital).


    Illumination. An illuminated sign shall not:


    Be illuminated by flashing, intermittent, or moving lights;


    Contain or display animated, moving video, or scrolling advertising;


    Consist of a static image projected upon a stationary object; or


    Be a mobile sign located on a truck or trailer.


    Generally. The following lighting requirements apply to all new signs:


    No rotating beam or flashing beacon light shall be used on any sign or sign structure.


    The light source for any sign shall not be directed toward any residentially zoned area.


    Bare neon lighting is permitted. Fluorescent and incandescent lighting shall be diffused by translucent glass or plastic.


    All signs shall comply with all applicable provisions of the electrical code of the unified government.


    Illuminated signs or digital signs within 250 feet of a residential zoning district shall shut off between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.


    Illuminated signs or digital signs within a residentially zoned area shall shut off between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. The sign shall include an automatic shut off mechanism to ensure that the signs are not illuminated during the time provided above.


    Digital signs. Digital signs shall conform to the following standards:


    Minimum display time. Each static message on the sign must be displayed for a minimum of eight seconds duration. Message changes shall be completed instantaneously and shall be imperceptible. All transition effects are prohibited.


    Digital copy. Digital signs shall contain static messages only, and shall not have movement or the appearance or optical illusion of movement during the static display period of any part of the sign. Each static message shall not include any flashing or the varying of light intensity and the message shall not scroll.




    Digital signs shall not operate at brightness levels of more than 0.3 footcandles above ambient light as measured using a footcandle meter at a distance of 250 feet from the sign.


    Prior to the issuance of a sign permit, the applicant shall provide written certification from the sign manufacturer that the light intensity has been factory pre-set not to exceed (7,000) nits and that the intensity level is protected from end-user manipulation by password-protected software or other method as deemed appropriate by the director.


    Light sensing device. Each digital sign must have a light sensing device that will adjust the brightness as ambient light conditions change.


    Technology. The technology currently being deployed for digital billboards is LED (light emitting diode), but there may be alternate, preferred and superior technology available in the future. Any other technology that complies with the performance standards for digital billboards including the maximum brightness levels as stated in subsection (3) above is permitted.


    Safety. A digital sign must:


    Include systems and monitoring to either turn the display off or show "full black" on the display in the event of a malfunction, and


    Be designed that in the event of a catastrophic power surge, the sign will go dark or will have maximum brightness limitations in place, and


    Contain a default mechanism that freezes the sign in one position if a malfunction occurs, and


    Automatically adjust the intensity of its display according to natural ambient light conditions.


    Owner responsibilities. The sign owner shall provide to the Director the phone number and email address of a person who is available to be contacted at any time and who is able to turn off the electronic sign promptly after a malfunction occurs.


    Maintenance. The light modules on digital billboards shall be repaired or replaced if they become broken, burned-out or substantially dimmed.

(Ord. No. O-35-16 , § 1, 6-30-2016)