§ 27-730. Sign area and height measurements.  

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    Sign area.


    Detached signs.


    Generally. For a sign with one sign face, sign area is computed by means of the smallest square or rectangle that will encompass the extreme limits of the writing, representation, emblem, or other display, together with any panel or material forming an integral part of the background of the display against which it is placed, other than structural supports (for detached signs included in subsection 27-728(c)), but including structural supports for temporary or incidental signs).


    Computation of area of multi-faced signs. The sign area for a sign with more than one face is computed by adding together the area (measured as provided in subsection a., above) of all sign faces visible from any one point. When two sign faces are placed back to back, so that both faces cannot be viewed from any point at the same time, and when the sign faces are part of the same sign structure and are not more than 42 inches apart, the sign area is computed by the measuring one of the faces (as provided in subsection a, above).


    Attached signs.



    Where sign size is prescribed as a percent of wall area, the "wall area" is a continuous portion of a building facade below the roofline or major architectural feature as viewed by a person approaching the building consisting of a plane surface.


    For an attached sign which is framed, outlined, painted or otherwise prepared and intended to provide a background for a sign display, the area and dimensions include the entire portion within the background or frame.


    For an attached sign comprised of individual letters, figures or elements on a wall or similar surface of the building or structure with no distinct mounting surface (such as a board or plastic face) other than the wall, the area is calculated by:


    Applying a regular geometric shape (rectangle, circle, trapezoid, triangle, etc.) around the individual letters, figures or elements, or


    Up to the number of regular geometric shapes as provided for the maximum number of attached signs per facade in section 27-727 for each wall or face that enclose distinct clusters of individual letters, figures or elements.


    When separate elements are organized to form a single sign, but are separated by open space, the sign area and dimensions shall be calculated by determining the geometric form, or combination of forms, which comprises all of the display areas, including the space between different elements.


    The sign area does not include any supporting framework, bracing, or decorative fence or wall when the fence or wall otherwise meets zoning ordinance regulations and is clearly incidental to the display itself.



    Artistic elements. Signs that are composed of individual letters, symbols, pictographics or other artistic elements without a distinct mounting surface (such as a board or plastic face), such as channel lettering, the sign area is the sum total of planar surface area of the individual sign components, excluding voids between the letters or components. The permitted sign area for an individual sign (see section 27-728) may increase by up to 20 percent to accommodate irregular shapes that extend beyond the mounting surface, but the overall sign area must fall within the maximum sign area allocation established in section 27-727. The 'planar surface' refers to the horizontal plane facing the public right-of-way, and excludes any three-dimensional elements that are perpendicular to the public right-of-way.


    Incidental or temporary signs. Incidental or temporary signs are measured in accordance with subsection (1) if they are not attached to a building or structure, and subsection (2) if they are attached to a building or structure.


    Sign height.


    The height of a detached sign is measured from the base of the sign or supportive structure at its point of attachment to the ground, to the highest point of the sign. A detached sign on an artificial base, including a graded earth mound, is measured from the grade of the nearest pavement or top of any pavement curb.




    Clearance for detached and projecting signs is measured as the smallest vertical distance between finished grade and the lowest point of the sign, including any framework or other embellishments.

(Ord. No. O-35-16 , § 1, 6-30-2016)