§ 27-738. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. This division is subject to all definitions, rules of interpretation and enforcement provisions of:


    The International Building Code, as adopted and amended by the city, and


    Section 27-340 of this article.


    The following words, terms, and phrases have the meanings assigned below, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Advertising Any sign text, logo, or other representation that, directory or indirectly, names, advertises, or calls attention to a business, product, service, or other commercial activity.
    Attached sign See subsection 27-728(b).
    Awning sign See subsection 27-728(b)(4)a (awning/canopy/marquee signs).
    Balloon An inflatable device, tethered in a fixed location and greater than 18 inches in any direction, that:
     • has a sign with a message on its surface or attached in any manner to the balloon, or
     • is attached to a building or pole, or in a manner so that it projects higher than the roof of the main building on the lot or parcel.
    Banner sign See subsection 27-729(c) (banners).
    Billboard See section 27-734.
    Building area See "floor area, habitable" as defined in section 27-340.
    Building code The International Building Code, as adopted and amended by the unified government (see chapter 8, article II of the Unified Government Code).
    Bulletin See subsection 27-734(b) (billboards).
    Canopy sign See subsection 27-728(b)(4)a (awning/canopy/marquee signs).
    Center A development or proposed development that:
     • has multiple buildings or tenants under unified management, or
     • is created by a subdivision (see Article VII) in the C-O, C-1, C-D, C-2, C-3, M-1, B-P, M-2, M-3, TND T-5, TND T-6, TND D, CPO, CP1, CPD, CP2, CP3, MP1, BPP, MP2, MP3, CI, CPI, CPO, or MP-3 districts or transect zones where the proposed uses are not dwellings a defined in section 27-340 (but may include mixed use buildings as defined in section 27-471), or
     • is a single building with multiple non-residential tenants, or
     • has an approved master sign plan per section 27-731.
    Changeable copy Characters, letters, numbers, or illustrations that can be manually replaced or altered through the placement of letters or symbols on a panel mounted or track system.
    Changeable message sign A manually, mechanically or electronically activated sign on which copy is changed two times per day or less. This includes reader boards, gas price signs, and theater marquees, but is not limited to them. Billboards, poster panels, junior poster panels and painted boards are not changeable message signs.
    Channel Letter A fabricated or formed three-dimensional letter.
    Commercial copy see "advertising."
    Commercial district Any of the following zoning districts: C-O, C-1, C-D, C-2, and C-3.
    Conversion A change in the face type of a billboard from a traditional static billboard face to a digital billboard face, or vice versa, which either maintains or reduces the length and width dimensions of the sign face. A conversion shall include any alterations to the sign structure which are necessary to support the weight of the digital technology as detailed in the requirements set forth in subsection 27-724(b)(4).
    Copy Any words, letters, numbers, figures, designs or other symbolic representations incorporated into a sign.
    Detached sign See subsection 27-728(c).
    Digital billboard See subsection 27-734(b) (billboards).
    Digital sign See subsection 27-726(a).
    Director The unified government director of planning or their designee.
    Drip flap The lower portion of an awning that hangs perpendicular above the ground.
    Façade The exterior wall of a building exposed to public view or that wall viewed by persons not within the building.
    Façade frontage The portion of a building façade that includes an entryway for customers or employees at the ground level.
    Feather sign See subsection 27-729(d).
    Flag See subsection 27-728(d)(2).
    Flashing sign Any sign that is internally or externally illuminated by flashing, flowing, alternating, or blinking lights.
    Footcandle See subsection 27-726(a).
    Frontage The property line that abuts a public street and/or right-of-way line.
    Halo lit sign See subsection 27-726(a).
    Height For attached signs, for attached signs, "height" refers to the maximum vertical dimensions of the sign. For detached signs, "height" refers to the sign's vertical extent from the natural grade to the highest point of the sign.
    Illuminated sign See subsection 27-726(a).
    Illumination See subsection 27-726(a).
    Illumination, external See subsection 27-726(a).
    Illumination, internal See subsection 27-726(a).
    Incidental sign See section 27-729.
    Industrial district Any of the following zoning districts: M-1, B-P, M-2, or M-3.
    Items of information See subsection 27-724(d).
    Junior poster panel See subsection 27-734(b) (billboards).
    Main building The primary building or structure on a lot or a building or structure that houses a principal use. A main building does not include an accessory building as defined in section 27-340.
    Marquee sign See subsection 27-728(b)(4)a (awning/canopy/marquee signs).
    Menu Board An incidental sign oriented to a driveway or drive-through lane, which may include a speaker box. A menu board is customarily used to list the menu and prices for a restaurant.
    Monument sign See subsection 27-728(c)(3).
    Mural See subsection 27-728(b)(5).
    Neon See subsection 27-726(a).
    Nit See subsection 27-726(a).
    Original art display A hand-painted, hand-carved or hand-cast work of visual art expressing creative skill or imagination in a visual form which is intended to beautify or provide an aesthetic influence to a public area or area. An original art display may be either affixed to or painted directly on the exterior wall of a structure with the permission of the property owner, or a three-dimensional statue that is placed in a park, courtyard, lawn, or similar area for public display. An original art display does not include: mechanically produced or computer generated prints or images, including but not limited to digitally printed vinyl; electrical or mechanical components; or changing image art display.
    Non-commercial copy Any copy other than advertising.
    Nonresidential districts Any commercial district or industrial district.
    Off-premises sign A sign advertising or directing attention to a name, a business, product, development, or service which is offered, manufactured, or sold at a location other than the lot or parcel upon which it is situated.
    On-premises sign Any sign other than an off-premises sign.
    Over canopy sign See subsection 27-728(b)(4)a (awning/canopy/marquee signs).
    Pennant An object or sign of lightweight fabric or similar material, suspended from a rope, wire or string, usually in series, and designed to move in the wind, also including streamers, pinwheels, balloons (less than 18 inches in any direction) and similar small objects.
    Planar surface Refer to section 27-730 (sign area and height measurements).
    Pole A vertical support such as an upright, brace, column, or other vertical member, that supports a sign face and that does not meet the width prescribed for the supporting element of a monument sign (see subsection 27-728(c)(3)a).
    Pole or pylon sign A detached sign supported by pole, is not attached to a building, and where the bottom edge of the sign face is located three feet or more above the average finished grade at the base of the sign. A "pole sign" does not include a flag mounted on a flagpole, where permitted by subsection 27-728(d)(2).
    Pole cover A material which encloses or decorates a pole or other structural support of a sign.
    Portable sign Any sign designed to be moved easily and not permanently affixed to the ground or to a structure or building.
    Poster panel See subsection 27-734(b) (billboards).
    Projecting sign See subsection 27-728(b)(6).
    Roof sign See subsection 27-728(b)(7).
    Reface To replace, restore, repaint or repair a sign face that is attached, annexed, or supported from the sign cabinet and/or main structure. It does not include any other rebuilding, reconstructing or reconfiguration of the existing sign cabinet and/or existing supporting structure.
    Residential district Any of the following zoning districts: A-G, R, R-1, R-1(B), R-2, R-2(B),R-3, R-4, R-5, R-6, and R-M.
    Rotating sign Any sign surface or sign structure or any portion thereof which rotates, moves, or is animated.
    Sandwich or A-frame sign See subsection 27-728(c)(4).
    Search light An apparatus containing an electric light and reflector on a swivel for projecting a far-reaching beam in any desired direction.
    Setback The distance from a property line to any edge of a sign.
    Sign Any outdoor announcement, device, design, figure, trademark or logo used for decoration, conveying information, identification, or to advertise or promote any business, product, activity, service or interest placed so as to be seen from outside a building or premises. For clarification, examples of items which typically do not satisfy the necessary elements of this definition include, but are not limited to, original art displays, architectural elements incorporated into the style or function of a building, or inscriptions on decorative rocks.
    Sign face The exterior area or surface on which is placed the copy.
    Sign structure The support, upright bracing, anchors, braces, and framework for any sign.
    Sign surface The entire area within a single continuous rectangular, triangular, or trapezoidal shape which encloses all elements that form the display, including any background which is different from or in contrast with any building wall surface upon which it is mounted.
    Temporary use See section 27-729.
    Twirling sign A sign that is designed to twirl, spin, or gyrate, either through mechanical activation or wind.
    Under canopy sign See subsection 27-728(b)(4)a (awning/canopy/marquee signs).
    Unified management Property or multiple buildings in single ownership or under the supervision of a single corporation, partnership, or other business entity.
    Wall area See subsection 27-730(a)(1).
    Wall sign See subsection 27-728(b)(8).
    Wind sign A sign consisting of one or more banners, flags, pennants, wind socks, ribbons, spinners, streamers, captive balloons, or other objects or material fastened in such a manner as to move upon being subjected to pressure by wind.
    Window sign See subsection 27-728(b)(9).




    ADA Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 USC Subsection 12181 et seq., Pub. L 101-336 and implementing regulations at 28 C.F.R. parts 35 and 36
    CFR Code of Federal Regulations
    Ft. or ' foot or feet
    KSA Kansas Statutes Annotated
    Max . Maximum; indicates that the value prescribed is the maximum allowed
    Min . Minimum; indicates that the value prescribed is the minimum required
    Sf Square feet
    USC United States Code


(Ord. No. O-35-16 , § 1, 6-30-2016)

Cross reference

Definitions generally, § 1-2.