§ 27-455. R-1(B) single-family district.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. The purpose of the R-1(B) single-family district is to provide for new and infill residential development in those older areas of the city where the existing development was substantially completed prior to World War II. It is designed to allow compatibility with the existing residential development and an efficient reuse of vacant parcels, while establishing a minimum standard to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the residents. This district is generally considered too intensive for single-family detached homes in developing sections of the city. This section applies to the R-1(B) single-family district.


    Permitted uses. In the R-1(B) single-family district, no building, structure, or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, converted or structurally altered unless otherwise provided in this article, except for one or more of the following uses: Any use permitted in the R-1 single-family district with uses other than single-family dwellings conforming to the standards and requirements of the R-1 single-family district.


    Height and area standards. All dwellings and other uses of land shall conform to the following minimum standards:


    Height shall be not more than 2½ stories or 35 feet.


    Setback from property lines shall be as follows


    Front yard: Not less than 25 feet.


    Side yard, interior: Not less than ten percent of the width of the zoning lot, but no less than three feet.


    Side yard, corner: Not less than 25 feet.


    Rear yard: Not less than 25 feet.


    Lot width and area shall be as follows:


    Lot width: Not less than 50 feet measured at the building line; provided, however, this provision shall not prohibit the use of any lot for the erection of a residence west of I-635 that is less than 50 feet wide and was owned as a separate lot on July 26, 1956, and is not and has not been a part of a larger ownership since that date. Residences east of I-635 can build at any width; given that the building is in accordance with The Narrow Lot Design Guidelines incorporated herein by reference dated February 18, 2008.


    Lot area: Not less than 5,000 square feet per dwelling unit; provided, however, this provision shall not prohibit the use of any lot for the erection of a residence west of I-635, if such lot contains less than 5,000 square feet and was owned as a separate lot on July 26, 1956, and is not and has not been a part of a larger ownership since that date. Residences east of I-635 shall be in accordance with The Narrow Lot Design Guidelines incorporated herein by reference dated February 18, 2008.


    The Narrow Lot Design Guidelines dated February 18, 2008, are modified as follows:


    A residence built on a narrow lot may match elevations of adjacent residences within that street without a raised porch, except as may be required by the building code.


    If the residence is constructed utilizing state or federal tax credits and the regulations relating to those tax credits have requirements for ADA accessibility, exceptions to the to the raised front entry requirements of the Narrow Lot Design Guidelines may be granted by the director of urban planning.


    The raised front entry height is reduced from 30 inches to 14 inches.


    If the narrow lot has a rise from front to rear of more than seven feet, the lot is eligible for a front loaded garage.


    Alley and garage standards.


    If the narrow lot is on an unimproved or severely deteriorated alley, exceptions may be granted by the director of urban planning to the alley entrance requirements.


    Garages in the rear yard shall be located to allow a sufficient turning radius to enter and exit the garage from the alley.

    Existing garage placement requirements should be utilized as guidelines.


    Siding standards.


    Any siding with a 50-year warranty will be allowed. This specifically replaces the cement board siding requirement.


    Minimum floor area shall be 750 square feet of habitable floor area for each residence.

    For additional standards and information, see division 8 of this article.


    Parking standards. Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided on the premises for each single-family dwelling. For additional standards and information, see division 9 of this article.


    Signs. Uses other than single-family dwellings shall be permitted one wall sign and one detached sign. For additional standards and information, see division 11 of this article.

(Code 1988, § 27-1160; Ord. No. 64690, § 1(27-23), 8-30-1984; Ord. No. O-2-10, § 1, 1-7-2010; Ord. No. O-19-11, § 1, 6-2-2011)