§ 27-462. R-M mobile home park district.  

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  • (a)

    Generally. The purpose of the R-M mobile home park district is to accommodate the particular needs and requirements of mobile homes in areas where such needs can be reasonably and efficiently met. Special consideration must be given to the movement of traffic both within the mobile home park and of the mobile homes themselves on public streets, to the provision of safety features peculiar to the needs of mobile homes, to the provisions of amenities suitable to the density of mobile home parks, and to the safeguarding of the public health, safety, and general welfare. This section applies to the R-M mobile home park district.


    Permitted uses. In the R-M mobile home park district, no building, structure, or land shall be used and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected, converted, or structurally altered unless otherwise provided in this article, except for one or more of the following uses:


    Mobile home dwellings in a mobile home park of at least five acres that shall be designed for a maximum density of seven mobile homes per acre. Each mobile home shall be placed on its own mobile home space.


    Any legally established mobile home park including, those which are legally nonconforming uses, may use up to 30 percent of the mobile home pad sites for self-contained recreational vehicles. Such pad sites shall meet all R-M district requirements or be already legally established as an existing nonconforming use. No such pad within the mobile home park shall be located within 200 feet of a residential structure zoned R-1 single-family district. No recreational vehicle shall be used for permanent occupancy. Permanent occupancy shall be defined as remaining in one or more mobile home parks within the city for more than 180 days in any 365-day period, or as at least three separate times in a 365-day period, with each time separated by no less than 90 days.


    In a mobile home park established prior to November 20, 1969, any self-contained recreational vehicle in place as of the effective date of the ordinance from which this section is derived may remain for up to 18 months beyond said effective date. The park owner must provide a list to the unified government specifically designating any such recreational vehicle proposed to remain under this exception within 30 days of the effective date of the ordinance from which this subsection is derived. Thereafter, the park owner must report all recreational vehicles on the annual mobile home listing required for filing with the county in accordance with K.S.A. 79-336(4) also to the unified government.


    A special use permit may be sought for a campground and, if approved, variations from the standard set out herein may be permitted.


    Mobile homes, where permitted. Mobile home, as used in this section, refers to manufactured housing built in compliance with 24 CFR 3280. Except as provided in this subsection, a mobile home may be permitted in the city only in an area zoned R-M mobile home park district.


    A mobile home may be permitted elsewhere in the city by the unified government board of commissioners for the purpose of providing temporary housing following a disaster, such as fire, windstorm, flood or other emergency or hardship, provided such mobile home is removed from its location within one year of its original placement.


    One or more mobile homes may be used as a temporary office or other nonresidential structure on the site of a construction project, provided such structure is removed upon completion of the project.


    A mobile home may be utilized as a single-family residence in any district in which single-family residences are permitted, subject to the following:


    The home must be new when placed on the site.


    The home must be placed on a permanent foundation that complies with the unified government's building code for residential structures. The foundation must include a solid perimeter wall.


    The home must be oriented on the lot so that its long axis is parallel to the street. A perpendicular or diagonal placement is permitted only if the narrow dimension of the home nearest the street is no less than two-thirds of the lot width at the building line. Garages or other completely enclosed additions may be included to meet this requirement.


    The home must be at least 22 feet wide over the major part of the mobile home.


    The home must have a roof sloped at least four feet to 12 over no less than 40 percent of the total roofed area. Roof slope indicates the actual incline of a roof as a ratio of vertical rise to horizontal run, determination must be based on actual measurements and not on nominal designation or rules of thumb. It must consist of shingles or other material customarily used for conventionally built dwellings in the area.


    The roof overhang must not be less than one foot measured from the vertical side of the mobile home.


    The home and any attached building additions must be covered with an exterior material customarily used on conventional dwellings in the area. The exterior covering material must extend to the top of the foundation and no less than two feet from the ground. Exterior material customarily used on conventional dwellings does not include smooth, ribbed, or corrugated metal or plastic panels.


    The home must meet all requirements required of other single-family residences in the area where it is to be located.


    Site location requirements. No site shall be zoned the R-M mobile home park district unless the following location requirements are met:


    On a minimum 24-foot wide paved public street no more than 500 feet from a street designated and improved as a collector or thoroughfare on the major street plan.


    All intersecting streets from the collector or thoroughfare to the mobile home court shall have intersections adequate to accommodate maneuvering with a 14-foot by 80-foot mobile home.


    Height and area standards:


    Height shall be not more than one story.


    Setback from property lines shall be as follows:


    Setbacks around perimeter of mobile home park: Not less than 25 feet.


    Front yard: Not less than 25 feet from any public or private street or drive.


    Side yard, interior: Not less than 20 feet on the entry side of the mobile home and not less than five feet on the nonentry side from the side lot line.


    Side yard, corner: Not less than 25 feet.


    Rear yard: Not less than 15 feet from any lot line and not less than 25 feet from any street line.


    Lot width and area shall be as follows:

    Mobile home space size: Not less than 40 feet by 100 feet.


    Required facilities. In the R-M mobile home park district, the following minimum facility requirements shall be provided:


    A concrete patio 128 square feet or larger with a minimum width of eight feet for each mobile home space convenient to the entrance of the mobile home and appropriately related to the open area of the space.


    A concrete or asphalt mobile home pad of adequate size for each mobile home space to fit the outside dimensions of the mobile home to be placed thereupon. Each home shall be equipped with skirts on all sides, such skirts to be of material harmonious to the mobile home and installed within ten days of home placement.


    Where public streets are provided, they will meet all unified government standards and specifications. All private streets shall be built to standards determined by the unified government engineer and shall be at least 24 feet wide. The unified government may at any time require traffic-control devices to be installed and maintained by the developer or owner on private streets as are deemed necessary to protect the public safety.


    A paved individual walkway not less than two feet wide shall be provided from each mobile home to a paved driveway or parking space.


    Appropriate recreational areas at a rate not less than 200 square feet per mobile home space shall be provided. Required recreational areas shall not be less than 2,000 square feet in size.


    If tenant storage facilities are to be provided outside the mobile home for or by the occupants, the location and design of the storage facilities shall be made a part of the final development plan. Storage facilities may be provided on each mobile home lot or in compounds located within 100 feet from each mobile home lot. If private fences between mobile home lots are to be allowed, they shall be of uniform height and approved as a part of the final development plan.


    A storm shelter shall be provided for persons living in the mobile home park. The storm shelter shall be adequately designed to protect occupants, and shall have an area of not less than 12 square feet per mobile home lot. The storm shelter shall have adequate fresh air ducts to accommodate the occupants, and storm shelters shall be so located to provide a reasonable degree of safety for all residents.


    All mobile homes newly installed shall be anchored to the ground by means of anchors attached both to the frame and with straps extending over the top and completely surrounding sides and roof in accordance with K.S.A. 75-1230.


    Landscaping and screening. A reasonable amount of landscaping is required on all projects with emphasis on softening the visual impact of unsightly areas and enhancing the overall appearance. Trees are required at not less than one per 4,500 square feet of site area and buffer plantings are required adjacent to single-family and two-family zoned property. For additional standards and information, see division 10 of this article.


    Parking standards. Two off-street parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit. In addition, mobile home parks that do not have public streets shall provide visitor parking at a rate of one-quarter parking space for each mobile home lot, appropriately located and dispersed in separate parking lots having no more than eight parking spaces each. For additional standards and information, see division 9 of this article.


    Management of mobile home parks. Each mobile home park shall have a resident manager on staff and shall be operated in a sanitary, orderly and efficient manner, and shall maintain a neat appearance at all times. No damaged or deteriorated mobile home shall be permitted to remain, and suitable and effective rules for regulating the outside storage of equipment, the removal of wheels and installation of skirtings, the collection of trash and garbage, and the attachment of appurtenances to the mobile homes shall be continually enforced. All drives, playground area and equipment, lawn and trees, and any recreational or accessory buildings shall be maintained at a level at least equal to the average residential neighborhood in the city. All portions of the mobile home park shall be open and accessible to fire, police and other emergency and protective vehicles and personnel, including unified government and state inspectors.


    Signs. Each such project shall be permitted one wall sign and one monument sign. For additional standards and information, see division 11 of this article.


    Planned zoning. All rezoning cases are reviewed relative to likely impacts of the proposed use on neighboring property and on the community in general. It is recognized that the manner in which a building is designed and located on a site, the visual perception of the project by nearby property owners, and the way that vehicular traffic and surface water are handled are important to the public welfare, yet may vary widely within the framework of these regulations and standards. Many such critical issues can be resolved in the public interest at the time of rezoning by use of the planned zoning process. This process involves submittal and approval of development plans at the time of zoning, a practice that may enhance neighborhood relationships and minimize traffic and other impacts on the public in general. The planned zoning equivalent to this district is RP-M and the procedures are set out in section 27-212.

(Code 1988, § 27-1167; Ord. No. 64690, § 1(27-37), 8-30-1984; Ord. No. 65417, § 11, 4-6-1989; Ord. No. 65690, § 6, 1-2-1992; Ord. No. 65814, § 8, 7-8-1993; Ord. No. 66012, § 1, 5-4-1995)