§ 27-466. C-2 general business district.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. The purpose of the C-2 general business district is to accommodate a broad range of retail, wholesale and service establishments that serve a wide range of markets. While concentration of these uses into clusters and groups is highly desirable, it is anticipated that strips and small clusters along major streets will accommodate a large portion of this type of business. Size and type of buildings and accompanying land areas will vary widely, and traffic and commotion will, in some cases, produce noise levels which may be adverse to nearby residential property. The intensity of the use of land is expected to be moderate to low, except in those occasional cases where high-rise buildings or regional shopping centers are placed. Prominence of establishments in this district will call for a higher level of visual quality, greater setbacks, more landscaping and screening than in previous business districts. This section applies to the C-2 general business district except as otherwise stated.


    Permitted uses. The sale of products and offering of services in this district are regulated both by performance standards and by enumeration of uses that are permitted. The following list is not all-inclusive, but rather establishes a descriptive and typical range of activities that are appropriate in this district. All uses must be operated in conformance with the performance standards that follow:


    Any use permitted in the C-1 limited business district.


    Shops and stores for the sale of department store merchandise, new and used automobiles and small and medium trucks, automobile supplies, motorcycles, motor fuels.


    Sales of such items as lawn and garden supplies and equipment, building supplies and materials.


    Services such as:


    Automobile washing facilities.


    Clubs and membership organizations other than class A and class B private clubs.


    Dry cleaning and laundries.


    Appliance and household equipment repair.


    Maintenance and delivery services, exterminators.


    Limited automobile repair.


    Places of assembly.


    Printing and publishing, custom furniture reupholstery and repair.


    Hotels and motels.


    Performance standards. No use of land or buildings in this district shall be allowed to exceed or violate the following standards:


    All sales, services and storage shall be conducted within a totally enclosed building. No product may be handled or service rendered which cannot be accommodated within a building at all times, except that accessory sale and storage of landscaping and gardening supplies, Christmas trees, and vehicles for sale may be kept outside.


    No use, occupant, equipment or operation shall produce noise that is of higher pitch or volume than that which normally prevails in the surrounding neighborhood.


    Beverages containing alcohol may be consumed on the premises only when food is also served on the premises. The sale of such beverages containing alcohol must total less in annual dollar volume than the sale of food. Private clubs are permitted in this district only by special use permit.


    Drive-in and drive-through facilities are permitted except for the sale of cereal malt beverages and alcoholic beverages, but only after vehicular approach and stacking space are deemed by the planning director and traffic engineer to be safe, workable and unlikely to produce congestion in the public streets. In the case of disagreement, the unified government board of commissioners shall make the final determination.


    Servicing of motor vehicles in this district is limited to that which produces no noise, fumes or odor which is perceptible from off the premises and which involves no outside storage or outside keeping of parts.


    Permitted services. Except as accessory use to a new car dealership or department stores, activities, which involve machining, painting, removal, repair or rebuilding of major body, or chassis components, welding or sheet metal cutting are not permitted. Body and framework are not permitted. Servicing and repair is limited to vehicles of less than 12,000 pounds GVWR. Such operations as generator and starter repair, tire and battery installation, tune-ups and diagnosis, electrical and fuel injection servicing, CV joint and clutch and timing belt maintenance and replacement, glass and upholstery replacement, brake installation, rust proofing, air conditioner repair, lubrication, and any scheduled maintenance are typical permitted services in this district. Engine replacement may be done only on an occasional basis and shall not be an advertised service.


    Parking. All auto servicing businesses established after the date of this section shall provide no less than four off-street parking spaces for each 1,000 square feet of building floor area. Such auto servicing businesses shall be required to do the following prior to opening for businesses:


    A dimensioned sketch showing a proposed parking layout that includes parking space stripping, location of drive aisles, pavement and a screened trash enclosure being submitted and approved by the development review committee.


    Completion of the improvements necessary to implement the plan.


    The approved sketch shall represent a firm commitment on the improvement and maintenance of the site and repeated deviations from that layout in the field will be considered a violation of the provisions of this article and enforced accordingly.


    No inoperable motor vehicles shall be kept for a period longer than 48 hours and no more than two such vehicles may be kept at one time unless within a totally enclosed building. Screened outside storage for vehicles including additional inoperable vehicles may be allowed adjacent to the main building in a rear or side yard subject to the requirements set out in subsection (c)(5)b of this section and subject to the area of the storage being the lesser of the area of the building or 2,000 square feet.


    Sales of products shall generally be directly to the ultimate consumer. The handling in bulk form of the products or merchandise specified herein is not intended.


    No use is permitted that involves the parking, keeping, storage or continued presence of trucks over 30,000 pounds GVWR rating, semitrailer rigs or portions thereof or outside storage of contractor's equipment or large-scale items or materials. This does not apply to vehicles making normal deliveries or trips to serve the property.


    Automobile washing facilities shall provide reservoir parking spaces between the lot entrance and the car wash equal to five times the capacity of the car wash facility.


    Height and area standards. All buildings and other uses of land shall conform to the following minimum standards:


    Height shall be not more than three stories, except that in the CP-2 planned general business district, buildings and structures shall not exceed 12 stories.


    Front yard: Not less than 25 feet.


    Side yard, interior: No setback is required except where a property in this district abuts a zoning district wherein a setback is required, then that same setback shall be provided on that property in this district.


    Side yard, corner. Not less than 25 feet.


    Rear yard: No setback is required except where a property in this district abuts a zoning district wherein a setback is required, then a setback of ten feet shall be provided on that property in this district.


    Parking and other paved areas: Not less than six feet from any property line and not less than ten feet from any street right-of-way line.

    For additional standards and information, see division 8 of this article.


    Parking standards. Uses in this district require paved off-street parking at a ratio of not less than four spaces per 1,000 square feet of floor area in the building. For additional standards and information, see division 9 of this article.


    Signs. Signs are permitted in this district but are limited in size, number, location and type of illumination. One wall sign is permitted on each of three facades of the building and one detached sign is allowed in lieu of one wall sign. For additional standards and information, see division 11 of this article.


    Landscaping and screening. A reasonable amount of landscaping is required on all projects in this district, all to be depicted on a property prepared plan. Trees are required to be provided at not less than one per 7,000 square feet of site area. Six-foot high architectural screening is to be provided along all side and rear property lines common to or across an alley from residentially zoned property. For additional standards and information, see division 10 of this article.


    Planned zoning. All rezoning cases are reviewed relative to likely impacts of the proposed use on neighboring property and on the community in general. It is recognized that the manner in which a building is designed and located on a site, the visual perception of the project by nearby property owners, and the way that vehicular traffic and surface water are handled are important to the public welfare, yet may vary widely within the framework of these regulations and standards. Many such critical issues can be resolved in the public interest at the time of rezoning by use of the planned zoning process. This process involves submittal and approval of development plans at the time of zoning, a practice that may enhance neighborhood relationships and minimize traffic and other impacts on the public in general. The planned zoning equivalent to this district is CP-2 and the procedures are set out in section 27-212.


    Building conversion. No building that was designed and constructed as a residential building shall be converted for commercial use in this district.

(Code 1988, § 27-1171; Ord. No. 64690, § 1(27-45), 8-30-1984; Ord. No. 65417, § 14, 4-6-1989; Ord. No. 65814, § 9, 7-8-1993; Ord. No. O-115-02, § 1, 12-26-2002)