§ 27-472. B-P Planned business park district.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Generally. The purpose of the B-P planned business park district is to allow a mix of primarily office, research and light industrial uses with limited retail and service uses in a planned business park setting. The district is a planned zoning district with a minimum area of ten acres, designed to provide for moderate density, high quality development with attractive buildings, increased amenities and open space. In appropriate situations, B-P planned business park zoning may be located adjacent to residential uses. This section applies to the B-P planned business park district.


    Permitted uses. Occupancies of buildings and uses of land in this district are regulated both by performance standards and by enumeration of uses that are permitted. The following list is not all-inclusive but rather establishes a descriptive and typical range of activities that are appropriate in this district. All uses must be operated in conformance with the performance standards that follow:


    Any use permitted in the CP-1 planned limited business district except dwellings, under the parking and basic landscaping requirements of that district.


    Manufacturing, processing, fabrication, assembling, disassembling, packaging, repairing, cleaning, servicing or testing any commodity except those permitted only in the M-3 heavy industrial district and those listed in section 27-469(b)(5).


    Warehousing or wholesaling of any commodity except those permitted only in the M-3 heavy industrial district.


    Public and private utility facilities.


    Business services such as testing, photo processing, equipment rental, leasing, employment agencies, place of assembly, printing, exterminating, custom maintenance and delivery services.


    General and special trades contractors.


    Sales of building materials, contractor's equipment, furniture, office hotel and restaurant supplies, machines, metals.


    Performance and design standards. No use of land or buildings in this district shall be allowed to exceed or violate the following standards:


    All operations shall be conducted within a fully enclosed building.


    All storage of materials, products or equipment (beyond customary building mechanical systems) shall be within a fully enclosed building unless otherwise approved by the planning commission. In such a case, outside storage areas for other than operable vehicles shall be limited to an area no greater than ten percent of the enclosed floor area of the use, shall not include storage of junk or salvage and shall be so screened that the contents are not visible at eye level within 100 feet of the property line. Semitrailers not coupled with tractors shall be included in this area limitation.


    No noise, odors, vibration, or other impacts shall be discernible off the premises of the building.


    Applicants for this district must include only land that is under unified control or under contract for sale that will provide unified control.


    The preliminary and final plans shall include a coordinated architectural design for buildings, site improvements and landscaping.


    Buildings are required to exhibit an attractive appearance especially toward the street and any nearby residential areas. Typically, such an attractive appearance would be characterized by significant use of glass, masonry, and other high quality finish materials and designs with significant offsets and articulation.


    Height and area standards. All buildings and other uses of land shall conform to the following minimum standards:




    Not more than 50 feet.


    Not more than 100 feet for structures other than buildings, but must be set back from the property line a distance equal to the height of the structure.


    Setback from property lines.


    From residentially zoned or developed property or property having a residential designation on the land use plan, the minimum building setback is 50 feet and the minimum setback for parking, loading, and other paved areas is 25 feet.


    From the perimeter of the business park the minimum building setback is 40 feet and the minimum setback for parking, loading, and other paved areas is ten feet.


    Elsewhere, the minimum building setback is 25 feet and the minimum setback for parking, loading and other paved areas is six feet.


    For additional standards and information, see division 8 of this article.


    Parking standards. Uses in this district require paved off-street parking at a ratio necessary to serve the employees, visitors, customers and others who may be on the premises. The ratio will vary among occupants and will be determined by the director of planning and zoning after receipt of a summary of parking needs and characteristics prepared by the owner or initial occupant. In no case, however, shall less than one space for each 500 square feet of building floor area be provided for buildings of up to 20,000 square feet. For buildings larger than 20,000 square feet, only one space for each 1,000 square feet needs to be provided for building increments between 20,000 and 50,000 square feet. For buildings larger than 50,000 square feet, the parking required for increments over 50,000 square feet will be determined by the director of planning and zoning. Where questions arise concerning increments over 50,000 square feet, the unified government board of commissioners shall make the final determination upon recommendation of the planning commission. Commercial uses shall provide parking as would be required in the C-1 district unless otherwise approved. For additional standards and information, see division 9 of this article.


    Signs. Signs are permitted in this district but are limited in size, number, location and type of illumination. One wall sign is permitted on each of three facades of the building and one detached sign is allowed in lieu of one wall sign. For additional standards and information, see division 11 of this article.


    Landscaping and screening. A reasonable amount of landscaping is required on all projects in this district with emphasis being placed on screening or otherwise softening the visual impact of unsightly areas and enhancing the overall appearance. Such features shall be depicted on a properly prepared plan. Trees are required to be provided at not less than one per 8,000 square feet of site area. Six-foot high architectural screening in combination with a 25-foot buffer area is to be provided along side and rear property lines common to or across an alley from residentially zoned property. For additional standards and information, see division 10 of this article.


    Building conversion. No building that was designed and constructed as a residential building shall be converted to a nonresidential use in this district.

(Code 1988, § 27-1177; Ord. No. O-9-01, § 2, 1-25-2001)