§ 27-523. Establishment of the committee.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Established. The 47th and Mission Road area development and management committee ("committee") is hereby established, effective upon the passage of a similar ordinance by each jurisdiction. The committee is established for the following purposes:


    Implement objectives of 47th and Mission Road Area Concept Plan ("concept plan"), as adopted and amended by the jurisdictions;


    Review development applications within the 47th and Mission Road area, as authorized by the jurisdictions through ordinances;


    Make recommendations as to whether development applications are in compliance with the concept plan and all ordinances adopted by the jurisdictions to implement the plan;


    Coordinate efforts for cooperation among the jurisdictions in planning and construction of public improvements within the 47th and Mission Road area to ensure that public improvements are in compliance with the concept plan and consistent among the jurisdictions;


    Promote development within the 47th and Mission Road area corridor that is in compliance with the concept plan and all ordinances adopted by the jurisdictions to implement the plan, including business recruitment and business retention and redevelopment;


    Coordinate with business owners for special events and promotions;


    Work with neighborhood associations to achieve longterm goals of the concept plan;


    Pursue grants to help with public funding and implementation of the concept plan.


    Appointment and terms.


    The committee shall consist of nine members, three of which shall be appointed by each jurisdiction.


    The mayor shall appoint three members to the committee, with the advice and consent of the unified government board of commissioners.


    Of the three initial appointments, one shall be for one year, one shall be for two years, and one shall be for three years.


    Upon the expiration of any initial appointment, successor appointments shall all be for a period of three years.


    Committee members shall serve their full term, or until a successor is appointed.


    Committee members may be appointed to more than one successive term.


    Vacancies, by resignation, incapacitation, dismissal, or otherwise, shall be filled in the same manner as an initial term, and shall be for the duration of the vacated committee member's term.


    Committee members may be dismissed for cause after a hearing before the unified government board of commissioners.




    All committee members appointed by the mayor shall be residents of the county or a business owners or landowners in the unified government's o portion of the 47th and Mission Road area at all times during the committee members' terms.


    Committee members may serve in any other elected or appointed position.


    Committee members should have some demonstrated special qualifications that will enable them to fulfill the purposes of this subdivision. Such qualifications may include any of the following:


    Professional experience in a development profession such as planning, architecture, real estate development, or engineering;


    Business owner within the 47th and Mission Road area;


    Experience in other elected or appointed municipal positions dealing with planning, zoning, or community development;


    Membership on a neighborhood association or committee within the 47th and Mission Road area; or


    Any other demonstrated civic involvement that will enable the committee member to understand and enhance the implementation of the 47th and Mission Road Area Concept Plan.


    Organization and procedures.


    The committee is authorized to adopt bylaws for conducting its business, consistent with the purposes and authority granted by this part.


    All applicants for development approvals within the unified government's portion of the 47th and Mission Road area shall submit two additional sets of applications to unified government or other designated contact. The planning department or other designated contact shall forward these additional applications to the secretary of the committee for review.


    All applications received by the secretary prior to two weeks in advance of the next regularly scheduled committee meetings, shall be placed on the committee's agenda for discussion. Any applicant who submits applications more than one month prior to the next regular committee meeting may make a request to the chairperson of the committee that a special meeting be called to hear the application.


    Applications placed on the committee agenda shall be discussed for compliance with the 47th and Mission Road Area Concept Plan, and the standards of this part.


    The applicant may appear, or otherwise be represented at the committee meeting, and shall be given the opportunity to discuss the application before the committee.


    After discussion of an application, the committee shall make a recommendation to the planning commission, or board of zoning appeals, as the case may be, on the application's compliance with the 47th and Mission Road Area Concept Plan, and the standards of this part.


    The committee may continue an application once after discussion if the committee feels it has received incomplete information or it needs more information to make a recommendation. However, any such continuance must be reheard before the committee within one month, whether at a special meeting or regular meeting, unless the applicant agrees on the record to a greater duration. Additionally, the applicant may elect to proceed to the planning commission or board of zoning appeals, as the case may be, upon the understanding that the application will automatically carry a "recommendation to deny due to incomplete application" from the committee. If an application continued by the committee is not reheard before the committee within one month of the original hearing, and the applicant has not agreed on the record to a greater duration, the application shall be deemed to have a recommendation of approval from the committee, and shall proceed to the planning commission or board of zoning appeals.


    To assist the committee in its duties, the planning department, other staff, or appointed consultants shall prepare a staff report on each application within the 47th and Mission Road area specifically addressing the application's compliance with the 47th and Mission Road Area Concept Plan, and the standards of this part. The staff report shall be submitted to the secretary of the committee at least five business days before the scheduled committee meeting.


    The committee may use funds designated by any jurisdiction or awarded by any local, state, or federal grant, to retain staff members or consultants to review applications or otherwise assist in implementing the 47th and Mission Road Area Concept Plan.


    All committee meetings shall be open to the public, with notice published and records kept in accordance with the laws of the state. The secretary of the committee shall be the custodian of records for the committee.

(Code 1988, § 27-1206; Ord. No. O-49-02, § 1, 6-27-2002)