§ 27-574. Boundaries and application.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The commercial design guidelines are applicable to all commercial and office development within the boundaries identified on the map (see appendix "A"). Commercial design includes all districts beginning with a "C" designation such as C-O, C-I, C-2 and C-3. This includes those commercial and office areas located west of 94th Street.


    The commercial design guidelines shall apply to all new development within the area described in subsection (a) of this section. The guidelines shall apply to existing development when changes (renovation, restoration, modification, addition, or retrofit, collectively referred to as rehabilitation) are proposed to a structure or a site that will exceed 50 percent of the current appraised value of the structure or site, as established by the county. Rehabilitation costs shall be aggregated over a five year period to determine whether the development is subject to these guidelines.


    Rehabilitation projects shall conform to these guidelines to the greatest extent possible, and shall provide written explanations for each area of noncompliance.


    Design solutions proposed as an alternative to these requirements may be considered by the planning commission provided that such alternative design furthers the purposes and intent of this subdivision and does not result in design that would otherwise violate the terms of the regulations contained in this subdivision.


    Design review will be provided as follows:

    Application Review Appeal
    Rezoning Planning Commission Board of Commissioners
    Special Use Permit Planning Commission Board of Commissioners
    Development Plan (without rezoning) DRC process Director Urban Planning Planning Commission
    Development plan with rezoning Planning Commission Board of Commissioners
    Alternative design Planning Commission Board of Commissioners



    Where there is conflict between the terms of this subdivision and other regulatory provisions applicable in the land development process, the more strict regulations will apply.

(Ord. No. O-50-06, § 1, 5-25-2006)