§ 27-637. Increased yard requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Major streets. On streets designated on the major street system, as provided in division 12 of this article, the depth or width of a yard shall be measured from such official line to the nearest line of the building.


    Sight distance. All corner lots shall provide two sight distance triangles, the short leg of which shall be 15 feet and the long leg of which shall be 140 feet measured along the curbline or edge of pavement. Such area shall be and shall remain free of shrubbery, fences or other obstruction to vision more than two feet high measured from the roadway.


    Additional setbacks on certain park ways. The following additional setbacks are put in place to protect the investment of the unified government in certain major street improvements and to enhance and preserve the spacious appearance of certain parkways.


    Applicability. The requirements contained herein shall apply to the following major streets except when more restrictive requirements apply in the established zoning district:


    Parallel Parkway, from 3rd Street to the western city limits.


    57th Street, from State Avenue to Kaw Drive.


    Meadowlark Lane, from Parallel Parkway to State Avenue.


    59th Street, from Leavenworth Road to Parallel Parkway.


    77th Street/78th Street from Leavenworth Road to Kaw Drive.


    Setback from property line.


    Front yard. Not less than 30 feet.


    Corner side yard. Not less than 30 feet.


    Parking and paved areas. Not less than 15 feet.

(Code 1988, § 27-1303; Ord. No. 64690, § 1(27-65.5), 8-30-1984)