§ 27-675. Improvement and maintenance.  

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  • (a)

    Generally. All parking, loading and maneuvering areas except those serving single-family dwellings or agricultural uses shall be graded and surfaced with a permanent bituminous or concrete pavement. The minimum such surface shall be two inches of asphalt over six inches of compacted gravel. The unified government engineer shall determine acceptable alternatives. All parking spaces shall be clearly marked. All improvements shall be designed and constructed as necessary to prevent dust, erosion, excessive water flow across streets or adjoining property, and to control traffic. All off-street parking, loading and maneuvering areas shall be physically restricted to paved areas through the use of wheel stops or curbing, unless, in the opinion of the unified government engineer, wheel stops would create drainage problems. In such cases continuous curbing shall be provided to restrict traffic. Curbing and wheel stops shall be designed and installed as approved by the unified government engineer. Drives greater than 100 feet long which provide access to parking or loading areas but which do not adjoin or abut parking or loading areas may not be required to provide continuous curbing or anchored wheel stops at the discretion of the unified government engineer. Failure to keep such areas in satisfactory condition that is free from holes, clearly delineated, etc. shall constitute a violation of this article. A less but dust-free standard of improvement may be permitted by the unified government engineer for industrial storage yards used exclusively for inoperable vehicles, parts, building materials, supplies and equipment of heavy construction equipment and not for parking, loading or maneuvering.


    Single-family dwellings or agricultural uses.


    Parking, loading and maneuvering areas for new single-family residences or for replacement or expansion of existing asphalt or concrete areas shall be improved with a permanent asphalt or concrete pavement to the standards set out in subsection (a) of this section. The only exception shall be where the new single-family residence is set back more than 100 feet from a public street or approved private street. In that case, only that portion of the parking, loading and maneuvering areas in the right-of-way and within 25 feet of the right-of-way must be paved. A four-inch depth of gravel or its equivalent is acceptable beyond this area.


    Parking, loading and maneuvering areas for agricultural uses on ownerships of five acres or more shall be paved or improved with a four inch depth of gravel or its equivalent.


    For existing single-family dwellings, a driveway ten feet in width or less extending directly from the street or alley to the garage, or from the street or alley to the house if there is no garage, or to the rear yard, can be paved in its entirety, or as continuous concrete wheel paths, or improved in its entirety with a minimum four inch depth of gravel or its equivalent. Any other parking, loading, or maneuvering areas must be paved with a minimum of two inches of asphalt over six inches of compacted gravel or its equivalent, as subject to the provisions of subsection (a) of this section. If the parking, loading or maneuvering area is in the rear yard it may be improved with a minimum four inch depth of gravel so long as it includes less than 40 percent of the rear yard and less than 1,000 square feet in area.

(Code 1988, § 27-1329; Ord. No. 64690, § 1(27-67.9), 8-30-1984; Ord. No. 65417, § 27, 4-6-1989; Ord. No. O-11-97, §§ 1, 2, 12-23-1997)