§ 2-32. General powers.  

Latest version.
  • In addition to other powers herein granted, the unified government shall be vested with:


    Any and all powers which cities are, or may hereafter be, authorized or required to exercise under the Constitution and the general laws of the State of Kansas, as fully and completely as though the powers were specifically enumerated herein, except only for such limitations and restrictions as are provided by Kansas law, in the Charter or in the legislative acts of the unified government;


    Any and all powers which counties are, or may hereafter be, authorized or required to exercise under the Constitution and general laws of the State of Kansas, as fully and completely as though the powers were specifically enumerated herein, except only for such limitations and restrictions as are provided by Kansas law; and


    Any and all powers possessed by the County of Wyandotte or the City of Kansas City immediately prior to the effective date of consolidation of the two governments on October 1, 1997.

(Code 1988, § 2-532; Res. No. R-1-97, § 2.02, 10-2-1997)