§ 2-52. Elections and terms.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    After January 1, 2017, the nonpartisan primary election for mayor and commission members shall be held on the first Tuesday in August of every odd number year commencing in 2017. The general election shall be held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November of odd numbered years, both elections to be conducted in the manner prescribed in this division and Kansas law applicable to elections of first class cities to the extent such law does not conflict with unified government ordinances or resolutions. In 2017, and in each subsequent year in which the term of the mayor or commission member expires, and if there are more than two candidates who have filed for any position, a primary election shall be held for the nomination of two candidates for that position. Each qualified elector of Wyandotte County in the primary election for mayor and each qualified elector of the expiring commission member's at-large district or district commission member shall be entitled to vote for one candidate from among the candidates seeking election to the position. The two candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be placed on the general election ballot as the candidates nominated for election as mayor, district member or at-large commission member.


    In the general election all qualified electors of the county shall be entitled to vote in the nonpartisan election of the mayor. Between the two candidates nominated for the office of mayor, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes in the general election shall be elected as mayor. As of January 1, 2017, the election for the office of mayor shall be held every four years on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November. The term of the mayor shall expire on the second Monday of January following an election, when the newly elected mayor shall take office.


    In the general unified government election all qualified electors of each district shall be entitled to vote in the nonpartisan election of the district commission member from the district where said elector resides. Between the two candidates nominated from each district, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes in the general election shall be elected as the commission member from the district. The term of the district commission members subject to election shall expire on the second Monday of January following a November election, when the newly elected commission members shall take office.


    All qualified electors of the county shall be entitled to vote in the nonpartisan general election of both at-large members. Between the two candidates nominated from each at-large district, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes in the general election shall be elected as the at-large commission member from the at-large district. The term of the at large commission member shall expire on the second Monday in January following a November election, when the newly elected at large commission member shall take office.


    In the election held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November 2017, the following positions of district commissioner shall be subject to election: At-Large District 2; District 1; District 5; District 7; and District 8. In the election held on the first Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November 2019, the following districts shall be subject to election: At-Large District 1; District 2; District 3; District 4; and District 6.


    Except as otherwise provided by law, the election commissioner shall cause notice of the time of the holding of any general election to be published once at least 15 days before such election, except in the case of special elections, when ten days' notice shall be given. Such notice shall be published in the official unified government newspaper. Such notice shall state the date and times of such election, the name of each person nominated for any public office to be voted upon, and any propositions to be voted upon. If such election is not held in conjunction with another election for which notice of voting areas and polling places has been published, the notice required by this section shall also include such information.

(Code 1988, § 2-542; Res. No. R-1-97, § 3.02, 10-2-1997; Res. No. R-141-98, §§ 2, 3, 11-5-1998; Ord. No. O-23-16 , § 2, 5-5-2016)