§ 101. Rules of procedure for meetings of the board of trustees.
§ 102. Adoption of rules of procedure; exceptions.
§ 103. Quorum of trustees.
§ 104. Binding action of the board.
§ 105. Board seat.
§ 106. Meetings to be open to the public.
§ 108. Voting rotation of the board.
§ 501. Calling meetings to order.
§ 502. Attendance kept.
§ 503. Approval of minutes.
§ 504. Previous minutes not be read aloud unless required.
§ 505. Meetings to be conducted in accordance with written agenda.
§ 506. Agenda to be made public in advance.
§ 509. Consent agenda.
§ 701. Mayor to preside as chair; absence.
§ 702. Rights of presiding officer.
§ 703. Rights not to be deprived.
§ 704. Recognition of trustees.
§ 705. Order and decorum.
§ 706. Duties of presiding officer.
§ 707. Appeal of presiding officers' ruling.
§ 708. Calling up agenda items out of order.
§ 709. Questions of personal privilege.
§ 710. Points of order.
§ 711. Formal reprimand.
§ 712. Censure.
§ 716. Complaints involving policies, public hearings or administration.
§ 717. Affirmative vote for the action of the board.
§ 718. Disposition of matters without action.
§ 719. Disposition of matters with action.
§ 720. Motion to amend.
§ 721. Motion to substitute.
§ 722. Reconsideration.
§ 723. Suspension of rules.
§ 724. Motion to reprimand.
§ 725. Motion to censure.
§ 726. Amendment of rules.
§ 727. Motion to adjourn.
§ 728. Individual actions.
§ 901. Members to attend all regular meetings; exceptions.
§ 902. Promptness in attendance.
§ 903. Absences from meetings.
§ 904. Courtesy and consideration in requesting absences.
§ 905. Leaving meetings.
§ 906. All members to vote except in cases of conflict of interest.
§ 907. Roll call voting; explanation of votes.
§ 908. Absence during voting.
§ 909. Changing votes.
§ 910. Reconsideration.
§ 911. When mayor/chair shall vote.
§ 912. Order and decorum to be preserved and rules of procedure followed.
§ 913. Discussion confined to matter in question.
§ 914. Questioning of administrative staff.
§ 915. Interruptions.
§ 916. Members to accord courtesy.
§ 917. Questions confined to matters under consideration.
§ 918. Removal from meeting.
§ 919. Limitation on speaking time.
§ 920. Rules of procedure to apply to administrative staff and employees.
§ 921. Administrator responsible for conduct of employees.
§ 922. Conduct of the public.