§ 710. Points of order.  

Latest version.
  • A member may raise a point of order at any time, both with respect to the conduct of the meeting, the procedure that is being followed, or remarks being made:


    Points of order raised with respect to these rules of procedure may be referred to the attorney for a ruling which shall be accepted as final by the presiding officer;


    Points of order raised with respect to indecorous or improper remarks made by a member, by a member of the administrative staff of the unified government, or by any member of the public, shall be ruled upon immediately by the presiding officer;


    If remarks are determined to be out of order, the presiding officer shall instruct the person speaking to cease such remarks and shall instruct the clerk to delete such remarks from the record and to indicate for the record that such remarks have been deleted as having been ruled out of order;


    In the event some question arises as to the remarks themselves, the member feeling aggrieved shall be privileged to ask that the remarks either be repeated or be read from the record in which the presiding officer shall make the appropriate ruling;


    Such remarks having been ruled upon and declared out of order, all further remarks in the same vein shall cease immediately; and


    In the event such remarks do not cease, the presiding officer shall be obliged to terminate further remarks and, in cases where such action is warranted, shall instruct the sergeant at arms to remove the offender from the meeting room.

(Res. No. R-57-11, § 1, 9-15-2011)