§ 2-271. Ethics pledge for unified government representatives of the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas.  

Latest version.
  • Ethics pledge for elected officials, candidates, and employees of the Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas:

    I hereby pledge to adhere, to the best of my ability, to the following code of ethics.


    I will perform all of my ethical and legal duties, including those specified in this code of ethics in good faith, interpreting them with integrity, sincerity, and a commitment to advance rather than evade or circumvent their spirit and purposes.


    I will treat my office as a public trust, only using the powers and resources of public office to advance public interests, and not to attain personal benefits or pursue any other private interest incompatible with the public good.


    I will not reveal confidential or sensitive governmental information, either anonymously or with personal attribution, unless I have good faith belief that there is a compelling public interest in revealing the information.


    I will neither seek nor accept any form of personal benefit for performing my duties promptly, efficiently or fairly, or for the exercise of appropriate but discretionary representational authority.


    I will take steps to assure that constituents and others who may be affected by public policies have a fair and equal opportunity to express their concerns, grievances and ideas without regard to their willingness or ability to provide me with personal benefits or political support.


    I will not use public employees on governmental time or government property for private benefit.


    I will not use, or allow others to use, the authority, title, or prestige of my office for the attainment of private financial, social or political benefits in any manner that is inconsistent with public interests.


    I will not, during or after the term of my office, engage in any act or transaction which reasonably appears to sell or lend the stature and prestige of my office or otherwise creates a general perception that I have exploited my public position for private gain, or the gain of another.


    I will not use or seek to use public facilities or employees, on government time, for political party activities, campaigning, fund raising, or other partisan or personal political activities.


    I will not accept gratuities or engage in financial relationships that might reasonably be construed to affect my judgment or actions.

    Signed: ___________

    Dated: ___________

(Ord. No. O-75-09, § 1, 10-1-2009)