§ 2-654. Issuance of administrative citation.  

Latest version.
  • An administrative citation shall contain the following information:


    The date of the violation.


    The address or a description of the geographic location where the violation occurred.


    The section of the code determined to have been violated.


    A description of the conditions which caused the code violation.


    An order to bring the conditions into compliance with the code.


    Information concerning the penalty:


    The amount of the penalty the citee is to pay;


    The date, 30 days from the issuance of the citation, by which the citee must pay the penalty; and


    The method of paying the penalty.


    Notice that the citee's payment of the penalty does not excuse a continued or subsequent violation of the code.


    Notice of the citee's entitlement to request an administrative review hearing.

(Ord. No. O-15-15 , § 4, 2-19-2015)