Chapter 3. AIR POLLUTION  

§ 3-1. Jurisdiction and territorial applicability.
§ 3-2. Purpose.
§ 3-3. Definitions.
§ 3-4. Powers of the director.
§ 3-5. Facts and circumstances pertinent to orders of director.
§ 3-6. Inspections.
§ 3-7. Time for compliance schedule.
§ 3-8. Variances.
§ 3-9. Circumvention of chapter or regulations.
§ 3-10. Air pollution nuisances prohibited; additional emission restrictions; interference with the enjoyment of life and property.
§ 3-11. Confidential information.
§ 3-12. Registration and permit system; exemptions.
§ 3-13. Review of new or altered sources.
§ 3-14. Public hearings.
§ 3-15. Installations in which fuel is burned.
§ 3-16. Restriction of emission of particulate matter from industrial processes.
§ 3-17. Open burning prohibition.
§ 3-18. Opacity requirements.
§ 3-19. Exceptions due to breakdown or scheduled maintenance.
§ 3-20. Preventing particulate matter from becoming airborne.
§ 3-21. Measurement of emissions.
§ 3-22. Restriction of emission of odors.
§ 3-23. Hydrocarbon emissions; stationary sources.
§ 3-24. Control of carbon monoxide emissions.
§ 3-25. Control of nitrogen oxide emissions.
§ 3-26. Incinerators.
§ 3-27. Air pollution emergencies—General provisions.
§ 3-28. Same—Episode criteria.
§ 3-29. Emission reduction requirements.
§ 3-30. Emergency episode plans.
§ 3-31. Penalties for violation of air regulations.
§ 3-32. Conflict of ordinances.