§ 30-96. Establishment of sewer service charges.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Based upon that projected annual budget adopted by the unified government board of commissioners, the county administrator shall each year recommend to the unified government board of commissioners the rates. The unified government board of commissioners shall establish by regulation the rates for sewer charges to ensure that the system generates adequate annual revenues to pay the annual costs of operation and maintenance including replacement of the unified government's sewer system, to satisfy costs associated with any obligations and to provide for costs associated with the unified government capital improvement plan and the expenses of the annual operation of the water pollution control division for providing service as required by this Code.


    The regulation shall become effective upon publication once in the official unified government newspaper.


    The sewer service charge shall be based on the user's proportionate use of the unified government's system and shall provide for unit charges and monthly connection charge for class I-A, class I-B, class II and class III discharges.


    A rate relief account is hereby established within the sewer system fund. Any savings represented in the difference between actual operating expenses and the amount budgeted for operating expenses shall be allocated to the rate relief account. The unified government budget director shall certify to the unified government board of commissioners the amount of such allocation not later than one month after the county administrator establishes rates by administrative regulations. The amount contained in the rate relief account shall be appropriated by the unified government board of commissioners to reduce the amount of future increases in the sewer service charges.

(Code 1988, § 30-128; Ord. No. O-46-05, § 1, 6-2-2005)