§ 30-352. FOG control equipment's (FCE) installation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    On or after the effective date of the ordinance [from which this article is derived], all FSFs, FSEs and FOG generating businesses which are newly proposed or constructed, or existing facilities which shall be expanded or renovated to include a food service facility where such facilities did not previously exist, shall be required to have an approved FCE for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease, oil, sand or other harmful ingredients in excessive amounts.


    On or after the effective date of the ordinance [from which this article is derived], all existing FSFs, FSEs and FOG generating businesses shall receive a conditional waiver and not be required to install a FCE unless the director determines that the installation of FCE is necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes containing grease, oil, sand or other harmful ingredients in excessive amounts.


    Failure to install a FCE within the time required by the director shall result in the assessment of an administrative penalty of not less than $1,000.00, water and sewer services to the facility may be disconnected, and the director may take any other remedies as are available by law.

(Ord. No. O-57-13, § 3, 12-5-2013)