§ 30-262. Location.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No new private on-site wastewater system shall be constructed, or any permit issued authorizing any such construction, if the lot or tract of ground does not meet all of the following requirements:


    The lot has an area of one acre or more (one-half acre or more if platted prior to December 1, 1991), and subsurface absorption field is approximately centered with lot width, except as otherwise provided in subsection (b) of this section.


    The structure served by the proposed private wastewater system is located greater than 200 feet from a public lateral sanitary sewer, which crosses any portion of the property or is contained in a public right-of-way that abuts the property.


    A soil profile analysis is necessary to determine the existence and location of formations and to determine the suitability of the soil for a septic tank system. Such profile analysis shall be performed by the unified government public health department or its authorized representative. The soil profile analysis shall be performed substantially in conformance with this section.


    Site conditions. The following conditions shall be noted:


    The soil texture and structure shall be analyzed to a depth of four feet.


    The depth to the groundwater table, if encountered.


    The depth to soil mottles, if encountered, which indicate a seasonal water table zone.


    The depth to the bedrock, if encountered.


    Site tests. At least three soil profile analysis holes will be conducted at the proposed sewage treatment site.


    Suitability of soil. The purpose of the analysis is to determine the suitability of the soil for the absorption of effluent and the leaching area required. The soil must have an acceptable drainage rate without interference from ground water or bedrock below the level of the absorption system. In general, the following conditions shall be met:


    There shall be a maximum of 24 inches of coverage over lateral lines.


    The minimum distance to the ground water table shall be at least four feet below the bottom of the absorption trench.


    Bedrock shall be at a depth greater than four feet below the bottom of the absorption trench.


    The natural slope of the land shall be less than 20 percent.


    The normal level of the groundwater is more than ten feet below the surface of the ground and more than four feet below the bottom of the trench.


    There is a minimum of six feet of pervious topsoil above any rock or impervious formation, or there is at least four feet of pervious formation below the bottom of the trench.


    The lot is not subject to inundation with floodwaters, nor is it located in a low, poorly drained, swampy area.


    The health officer may grant a variance to these requirements on a case-by-case basis after consideration of the quality of soil, length of lateral system, water saving devices, size of the tank, topography, conformance with community practice, and future sewer extension plans. In order to obtain such a variance, the property owner must submit a report from a professional engineer which recommends a certain system and states the reasons why, in the engineer's professional opinion, it is an adequate system. If, in the opinion of the health officer, the system proposed is adequate and there will be no degradation of surrounding properties, a variance may be granted.

(Code 1988, § 30-301; Ord. No. O-46-05, § 1, 6-2-2005; Ord. No. O-51-18 , § 7, 12-6-2018)