§ 32-217. Franchisee responsible for costs.  

Latest version.
  • The franchisee shall be responsible for all reasonable costs borne by the city that are directly associated with franchisee's installation, maintenance, repair, operation, use, and replacement of its facilities within the rights-of-way, that are not otherwise accounted for as part of the permit fee established pursuant to the ROW Ordinance. Such costs shall not include costs related to the administration of the franchise nor inspection, compliance or enforcement actions on the part of the city. All costs shall be itemized and the city's books and records related to these costs shall be made available upon request to the franchisee. Franchisee shall be responsible for its own costs incurred removing or relocating its facilities when required by the city due to city requirements relating to maintenance and use of the rights-of-way for city purposes.

(Ord. No. O-10-18 , § 1, 3-22-2018)