§ 32-323. Application.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Any person seeking the issuance of a run permit shall file an application with the chief of police on forms provided by the chief of police not more than 180 days before and not less than 30 days before the date and time at which it is proposed to commence the run; provided, however, that for good cause shown the chief of police may waive the minimum 30-day filing period and may accept an application filed within a shorter period if, after due consideration of the date, time, place, and nature of the run, the anticipated number of participants, and the amount of unified government services which will be required in connection therewith, the chief of police determines that such waiver will not present a hazard to the public safety because of the reduced amount of time available to fully process the application. The application shall be signed by the applicant under oath.


    The application for a permit shall contain the following information, and such other information as may reasonably be required:


    The name, place of residence, mailing address and telephone number of the person seeking to conduct the run;


    If the run is proposed to be conducted for, on behalf of, or by an organization, the name, address and telephone number of the headquarters of the organization and of the authorized and responsible heads of such organization;


    If the run is proposed to be conducted for or on behalf of an organization which is authorized under the laws of any other state or is headquartered in another state, or if the sponsor or chairperson of the run is not a resident of this state, the name, address and telephone number of a person designated as resident agent within the unified government to receive service of process and legal summons and notices to appear on behalf of the organization, sponsor or person;


    The name, place of residence, mailing address, and telephone number of the individual who will be the run chairperson and who will be responsible for the conduct of the run;


    The date the run is to be conducted;


    Nature of the run including the type or types of activities that will occur during its conduct;


    The hours such run will start and terminate;


    A description of any and all recording equipment, sound amplification equipment, banners, signs, or other attention-getting devices that will be utilized in connection with the run;


    The approximate number of participants, not including spectators, in the run;


    The estimated number of spectators who will be present at or near the run;


    If the run is designed to be held by, on behalf of, or for any person other than the applicant, the applicant for such permit shall file with the chief of police a communication in writing from the person proposing to hold the run authorizing the applicant to apply for the permit;


    The purpose of the run, if there is an avowed purpose;


    The exact location of the run, the time at which participants will begin to arrive at the marshaling area or areas, the time at which the run will begin and the route to be traveled, including the starting point and the termination point;


    A designation of any public facilities or equipment proposed to be utilized; and


    Such other information as the police chief may deem necessary in order to provide for traffic control, street and property maintenance.


    A statement that the applicant agrees to reimburse the city for all expenses required to hire or to bring in an off-duty police officer or public works personnel to properly control the activity.

(Ord. No. O-34-15 , § 1, 7-9-2015)