§ 33-16. Chlorination and pH concentration.  

Latest version.
  • Chlorination plants shall be operated in such a manner that the amount of excess or residual chlorine in all parts of the pool at all times when the pool is in use shall be not less than 0.6 parts per million or more than one part per million. Chlorine gas tanks shall be installed in a special closet with vent to the exterior of the building and with a fan, unless considered unnecessary by the public health department. A sufficient number of daily tests for available chlorine shall be made by the pool operator to ensure proper operation. Hydrogen ion (pH) tests shall be made of the pool water each time a chlorine reading is taken. The pH concentration shall be maintained between 7.2 and 8.4. The pool operator shall keep a record of these tests.

(Code 1964, § 34A-18; Code 1988, § 33-16; Ord. No. 50781, § 18, 6-1-1972)