§ 35-492. Parking of vehicle with expired, altered, switched or illegal license tag prohibited; parking of vehicle without valid license tag prohibited.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    No person shall park or stand a vehicle upon a street, roadway, highway or municipal parking facility within this city unless such vehicle bears or displays the currently effective registration license plate, including any registration decal required by state law and issued to the owner of any such vehicle for the purpose of being displayed or showing the currency of the license on the vehicle registered.


    No person shall park or stand a vehicle upon a street, roadway, highway or municipal parking facility with an altered, expired, switched or defaced vehicle license plate including any registration decal required by state law and issued to the owner of any such vehicle for the purpose of being displayed or showing the currency of the license on the vehicle registered.


    No person shall park or stand a vehicle upon a street, roadway, highway or municipal parking facility which displays or bears a vehicle license plate or plates or registration decal upon such vehicle not lawfully issued for such vehicle.


    Violation of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not less than $50.00.

(Code 1988, § 35-475; Ord. No. O-75-99, § 1, 11-4-1999)