§ 37-129. Persons eligible.  

Latest version.
  • Every applicant for a driver's certificate shall:


    Be 18 years of age or older.


    Be in good mental and physical health. The applicant must provide certification issued by either the state department of transportation or the Missouri Department of Transportation verifying that the applicant has submitted to a physical examination within the past two years or certification from a state licensed physician verifying that the applicant has submitted to a physical examination within the past two years.


    Have visual acuity of at last 20/40 (Snellen) in each eye either without glasses or by correction with glasses. The driver's form field of vision in the horizontal meridian shall not be less than a total of 140 degrees. The driver shall have ability to distinguish the colors red, green and yellow. If the driver's eyesight requires correction by glasses, the driver shall wear properly prescribed glasses at all times when driving.


    Be able to perceive a forced whispered voice in the driver's better ear at not less than five feet with or without the use of a hearing aid or, if tested by use of an audiometric device, shall not have an average hearing loss in the better ear greater than 40 decibels at 400 hundred Hz, 1,000 Hz, and 2,000 Hz, with or without a hearing aid when the audiometric device is calibrated to American National Standard (formerly ASA Standard) 224.5-1951.


    Be able to read and speak the English language.


    Be clean and neat in dress and person and not addicted to the use of intoxicating liquor or drugs.


    Be a person of good moral character. The applicant shall not have a record of conviction of:


    Any felony or misdemeanor involving prostitution, pimping, indecent exposure, illegal use, possession or sale of controlled substances, gambling, or crime of moral turpitude.


    Leaving the scene of an accident.


    Illegal sale, possession, manufacture or transportation of intoxicating liquor.


    Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or a record of entering into a diversion agreement with any city in this state or with the state in lieu of further criminal proceedings on an alcohol- or drug-related driving offense.


    A third major traffic violation during any one year. A major traffic violation is hereby defined to be speeding, reckless driving, nonobservance of lights or signs, making a left or U-turn where not permitted, or driving on the wrong side of the road.


    Have been issued a currently valid driver's licensed from the State of Missouri or a class A, B or C state driver's license.


    Have at least one year of experience driving some type of motor vehicle. The year of experience shall include driving in a variety of weather conditions.


    Have taken and successfully passed a written examination on knowledge of the provisions of this chapter and the geography and street system of the city.


    Have such person's fingerprints taken by the police department.


    Have taken and successfully passed a driver's road test administered by the police department if deemed necessary by the license administrator. Such road test shall require the applicant to drive a vehicle through a crowded section of the city when accompanied by a member of the police department who is familiar with chapter 35.


    Have signed the application.

(Code 1988, § 37-118; Ord. No. O-30-03, § 1, 8-7-2003)