§ 37-221. Inspection, testing and sealing.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Licensed taxicab businesses shall be responsible for the accuracy of taximeters installed in taxicabs operated under their licenses, within the tolerances established by this chapter.


    No taxicab shall be operated until its taximeter has been first inspected, tested, proved and sealed. Sealing shall be accomplished as follows:


    The meter mechanism shall be sealed within its case.


    Driving equipment shall be sealed at the upper end of the meter bracket.


    All taximeters shall be subject to inspection and test by the license administrator and designated representatives at any time, and any taxicab bearing a taximeter found not to conform to the tolerance established in section 37-222 may be ordered out of service and not returned to service until the taximeter conforms to the established tolerance values.

(Code 1988, § 37-195; Ord. No. O-30-03, § 1, 8-7-2003)