§ 37-225. Reinspection.

Latest version.
  • Taximeters shall be inspected at least once every 12 months or as often as necessary by the license administrator or a designated representative, except that the license administrator may accept proof of taximeter inspections performed within the last 12 months by any other city, any state or any political subdivision with standards comparable to those set forth in this article. No person shall break the seal placed by the taximeter inspector on a taximeter or tamper with the taximeter in any manner or knowingly change the calculation rate to any rate other than as provided by this chapter, except that such seal may be broken for the sole purpose of repairing the same, provided the taxicab may not be operated until the taximeter has been inspected.

(Code 1988, § 37-199; Ord. No. O-30-03, § 1, 8-7-2003)