§ 3-16. Restriction of emission of particulate matter from industrial processes.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    General provisions.


    This section applies to any operation, process, or activity except the burning of fuel for indirect heating in which the products of combustion do not come into direct contact with process materials, the burning of refuse, and the processing of salvageable material by burning.


    In this section, "process weight per hour" means the total weight of all materials introduced into any specific process which may cause any discharge of particulate matter. Solid fuels charged will be considered as part of the process weight, but liquid and gaseous fuels and combustion air will not. For a cyclical or batch operation, the process weight per hour will be derived by dividing the total process weight by the number of hours in one complete operation from the beginning of any given process to the completion thereof, excluding any time during which the equipment is idle. For continuous operation, the process weight per hour will be derived by dividing the process weight for a typical period of time.


    Emission limitations.


    No person shall cause, suffer, allow, or permit the emission of particulate matter in any one hour from any source in excess of the amount shown in the following table for the process weight allocated to such source:

    Process Weight Rate Rate of Emission
    Lbs./Hour Tons/Hour Lbs./Hour
    100 0.05 0.551
    200 0.10 0.877
    400 0.20 1.40
    600 0.30 1.83
    800 0.40 2.22
    1,000 0.50 2.58
    1,500 0.75 3.38
    2,000 1.00 4.10
    2,500 1.25 4.76
    3,000 1.50 5.38
    3,500 1.75 5.96
    4,000 2.00 6.52
    5,000 2.50 7.58
    6,000 3.00 8.56
    7,000 3.50 9.49
    8,000 4.00 10.4
    9,000 4.50 11.2
    10,000 5.00 12.0
    12,000 6.00 13.6
    16,000 8 16.5
    18,000 9 17.9
    20,000 10 19.2
    30,000 15 25.2
    40,000 20 30.5
    50,000 25 35.4
    60,000 30 40.0
    70,000 35 41.3
    80,000 40 42.5
    90,000 45 43.6
    100,000 50 44.6
    120,000 60 46.3
    140,000 70 47.8
    160,000 80 49.0
    200,000 100 51.2
    1,000,000 500 69.3
    2,000,000 1,000 77.6
    6,000,000 3,000 92.7



    Interpolation of the data in this table of process weight rates up to 60,000 lbs./hr. shall be accomplished by use of the equation E = 4.10 P 0.67 (E equals 4.10 multiplied by P to the 0.67 power) and interpolation and extrapolation of the data for process weight rates in excess of 60,000 lb/hr shall be accomplished by use of the equation: E = 55.0 P 0.11 -40 (E equals 55.0 multiplied by P to the 0.11 power quantity minus 40) where E = rate of emission in lb/hr and P = process weight rate in tons/hr.


    Where the nature of any process or operation or design of any equipment is such as to permit more than one interpretation of these definitions, that interpretation which results in the minimum allowable emission rate shall apply.


    Handling of process raw materials, process intermediates, process and products or process wastes, process byproducts or residues.


    It shall be the responsibility of the process owner or operator to handle or treat process raw materials, process intermediates, process end products or process wastes, process byproducts or residues (including, but not limited to, metallurgical slag, dross and spent fluxes and animal offal) in such a manner to eliminate smoldering, fuming, smoking or emission of odors or other forms of emissions.


    The director shall require that the process owner or operator take such measures as are necessary to eliminate or prevent such smoldering, fuming, smoking or emission of odors or other forms of emissions. The director shall specifically require that such process raw materials, process intermediates, process end products or process wastes, process byproducts or residues (including, but not limited to, metallurgical slag, dross and spent fluxes and animal offal) be kept in covered containers or treated or handled in such fashion as the director deems necessary.

(Code 1964, § 2A-17; Code 1988, § 3-16; Ord. No. 52677, § 1, 2-28-1974)