§ 3-21. Measurement of emissions.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The director may require any person responsible for the operation of an emission source to make or have tests made to determine the rate of contaminant emissions from the source whenever the director has reason to believe, on the basis of estimates of potential contaminant emission rates from the source, due consideration to probable efficiency of any existing control device, or visible emissions determinations made by an official observer, that existing emissions exceed the limitations specified in this chapter. Such tests may also be required pursuant to verifying that any newly installed control device meets performance specifications. If such a test demonstrates that the applicable emission requirement is met, no more than one such test shall be required during any 12-consecutive-calendar-month period; provided, however, that should the director determine that the test did not represent normal operating conditions or emissions, additional tests may be required. Required tests shall be conducted in accordance with procedures approved by the director as being in accordance with sound analytical and sampling procedures. Such tests shall be conducted by reputable, qualified individuals, as approved by the director, and a certified written copy of the test results signed by the person conducting the test shall be provided to the director.


    The director may conduct tests of emissions of contaminants from any source. Upon written request from the director, the person responsible for the source to be tested shall cooperate with the director in providing all necessary test ports in stacks or ducts and such other safe and proper facilities, exclusive of instruments and sensing devices, as may be reasonably required to conduct the test with due regard being given to expenditures and possible disruption of normal operation of the source. A report concerning the findings of such tests shall be furnished to the person responsible for the source upon request.


    The director may require the owner or operator of any emission source which is subject to the provisions of this chapter to install, use, and maintain such stationary monitoring equipment as is required to demonstrate continuing compliance with any applicable emission limitations, and to maintain records and make reports regarding such measured emissions to the director in a manner and on a schedule to be determined by the director.

(Code 1964, § 2A-22; Code 1988, § 3-21; Ord. No. 52677, § 1, 2-28-1974)