§ 3-29. Emission reduction requirements.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Upon the declaration of any air pollution episode status by the director, the provisions of subsections (b), (c) and (d) of this section shall be considered as an emergency order of the director. Such provisions shall be complied with immediately.


    During any time designated as an air pollution alert period, no person shall operate any contaminant emission sources except in compliance with the requirements of table E-1.


    During any time designated as an air pollution warning period, no person shall operate any contaminant emission sources except in compliance with the requirements of tables E-1 and E-2.


    During any time designated as an air pollution emergency period, no person shall operate any contaminant emission source except in compliance with the requirements of tables E-1, E-2 and E-3.

    TABLE E-1

    Source Restrictions
    Air Pollution Alert Status

    Source Category Action Required
    1. All private, public and commercial premises a. There shall be no open burning except as required for immediate disposal of inflammable or otherwise hazardous gases or liquids.
    b. The use of incinerators for the disposal of any waste materials shall be limited to the hours between 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
    c. Boiler lancing or soot blowing of fuel burning equipment requiring such operations shall be limited to the hours between 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m.
    2. Coal or oil-fired electric power generator facilities a. Units shall be operated on natural gas when possible.
    b. Units shall be operated on the lowest sulfur and ash fuels available.
    c. Substantial utilization shall be made of power generated outside of the area included in episode status declaration.
    3. Other coal and oil-fired process steam generating facilities a. Units shall be operated on natural gas when possible.
    b. Units shall be operated on lowest sulfur and ash fuels available.
    c. Steam loads shall be reduced to the extent possible consistent with continuing plant operations.
    4. Manufacturing, industries required to submit plans in accordance with section 3-30 Air contaminants emissions from processing operations shall be substantially reduced by curtailing or postponing production and allied operations to the extent possible without causing economic hardships.


    TABLE E-2

    Source Restrictions
    Air Pollution Warning Status

    Source Category Action Required
    1. All private, public and commercial premises The use of incinerators for the disposal of any waste materials shall be prohibited.
    2. Coal or oil-fired power generating facilities Maximum utilization shall be made of power generated by facilities outside of the area included in the episode status declarations.
    3. Other coal and oil-fired process steam generating facilities Preparation shall be made to immediately take action required under emergency status.
    4. Manufacturing industries required to submit episode plans in accordance with section 3-30 Air contaminant emissions from processing operations shall be reduced to the maximum degree possible by curtailing and postponing production and altered operations to the extent feasible with, if necessary, the assumption of reasonable economic hardships.
    5. Transportation The use of private and commercial motor vehicles should be limited by deferring unnecessary travel and utilizing car pools or mass transportation facilities where possible.


    TABLE E-3
    Source Restrictions
    Air Pollution Warning States

    Source Category Action Required
    1. All private, public and commercial premises The following places of employment shall immediately cease operations:
    (1) Mining and quarrying operations.
    (2) Construction projects except as required to avoid emergent physical harm.
    (3) All manufacturing operations except those operating under an approved episode plan.
    (4) Wholesale trade establishments.
    (5) Governmental units, except as required to implement the provisions of this chapter and other operations essential to immediate protection of the public welfare and safety.
    (6) Educational institutions.
    (7) Retail trade and service establishments, except pharmacies, food stores and other similar operations providing for emergency needs.
    (8) Other commercial service operations such as those engaged in banking, insurance, real estate, advertising, etc.
    (9) Amusement and recreational facilities.
    2. Electric power generating facilities Same as table E-2.
    3. Process steam generating facilities Facilities shall be shut down to the maximum extent possible consistent with preventing extensive equipment damage.
    4. Manufacturing industries required to submit episode plan in accordance with section 3-30 Air contaminant emissions from processing operations shall be reduced to the maximum degree possible by ceasing or drastically curtailing all production and allied operations to the extent feasible with due regard to any immediate likelihood of resultant personal injury or substantial equipment damage.
    5. Transportation The use of motor vehicles shall be restricted to meeting private and public emergency needs.


(Code 1964, § 2A-29; Code 1988, § 3-30; Ord. No. 52677, § 1, 2-28-1974)