§ 4-9. Consumption of alcoholic liquor, beer or cereal malt beverages on private property.  

Latest version.
  • No person shall drink or consume alcoholic liquor, or beer on private property except:


    On premises where the sale of liquor or beer by the individual drink is authorized by the Club and Drinking Establishment Act (K.S.A. 41-2601 et seq.) or any other provisions of state law;


    Upon private property by a person occupying such property as an owner or lessee of an owner and by the guests of such person, if no charge is made for the serving or mixing of any drink or drinks of alcoholic liquor or for any substance mixed with any alcoholic liquor and if no sale of alcoholic liquor in violation of K.S.A. 41-803 takes place;


    In a lodging room of any hotel, motel or boardinghouse by the person occupying such room and by the guest of such person, if no charge is made for the serving or mixing of any drink or drinks of alcoholic liquor or for any substance mixed with any alcoholic liquor and if no sale of alcoholic liquor in violation of K.S.A. 41-803 takes place;


    In a private dining room of a hotel, motel or restaurant, if the dining room is rented or made available on a special occasion to an individual or organization for a private party and if no sale of alcoholic liquor in violation of K.S.A. 41-803 thereto takes place; or


    On the premises of a manufacturer, microbrewery, microdistillery or farm winery, if authorized by K.S.A. 41-305, 41-308a, 41-308b or any other provision of the state statutes.

(Code 1988, § 4-9; Ord. No. 65173, § 3-12, 7-9-1987; Ord. No. O-56-12, § 1, 10-4-2012)

State law reference

Similar provisions, K.S.A. 41-719(b).

Charter reference

City exempted from K.S.A. 41-719, App. A, Char. Ord. No. 85.