§ 4-137. Application.  

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  • (a)

    Form; contents. Any person making application for the city license required by this division shall make a verified application in writing on a prepared form and shall pay to the license department fees and taxes as may be required. Such application shall further require the following information:


    The name, age and residence of the applicant and how long the applicant has been a resident of the state and county. If a corporation, the applicant shall state the name, business address, state of incorporation and the name and address of the officer of the corporation, and if a foreign corporation, the name and address of the resident agent of the corporation.


    The exact location of the premises upon which the business is to be located. The licensed premises shall be defined as that area contained within the upright structure, or portion thereof, being the rooms specifically designated in the diagram in the application for license wherein the applicant desires authorization to conduct the licensed business and not the surrounding real estate owned or leased by the licensee, except any restaurant with carryout facilities, any business providing food services to any outdoor arena, stadium, recreation area or any other business operating outside of an upright structure may include the surrounding real estate as part of the licensed premises if the real property is surrounded by a fence or other enclosure limiting access to one or more points of entry and the points of access are supervised by an employee during all hours of operation in which alcoholic beverages, beer or cereal malt beverages are sold, distributed or consumed.


    The name of the business and a description of its organization and ownership.


    The current names of all officers of the business.


    If the applicant is a corporation, the application shall be accompanied by a copy of its articles of incorporation and bylaws, unless such articles and bylaws have been previously furnished and have remained unchanged since the last application.


    If the applicant is a partnership, the application shall be accompanied by a copy of the partnership agreement, unless such agreement has been previously furnished and has remained unchanged since the last application.


    A current, complete and legible floor plan of the premises approved by the chief of police showing all business and storage areas, unless the applicant has previously furnished a floor plan which has remained unchanged in all respects as to business and storage areas.


    Fee. The application shall be accompanied by the license fee and taxes as provided for in this article and any applicable ordinance. A true copy of the complete application shall be submitted to the chief of police, the license department and the unified government clerk and submitted by the unified government clerk to the unified government board of commissioners.

(Code 1988, § 4-102; Ord. No. 65173, § 3-25(2), 7-9-1987)